Daily Stormer
April 13, 2014

There is nothing that Republicans fear more than the accusation of “racism”. To avoid this horrible charge, many kosher conservatives have sought to find the magic Negro, a black conservative who can become the Republican candidate in a presidential election.
The latest Great Black Hope is Dr. Ben Carson, a surgeon who has never held political office. Carson came to prominence after strongly criticizing Obamacare while giving a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast. We hardly need to point out that a White doctor who gave the exact same speech at the exact same venue would not have automatically become presidential material.
This single speech was enough to make Carson a conservative celebrity, and it has even led to a campaign to draft him to run for President. The “Run Ben Run” campaign is well-funded enough to buy spots on nationally syndicated talk-shows, and even boasts an endorsement from a former NAACP chapter president.
Carson is hard for conservatives to resist, as his racial status allows him to get away with saying that Obamacare is worst thing to happen to America since slavery.
While this may seem like a desperate and transparent attempt by Republicans to dodge accusations of racism and accuse Democrats of being “the real racists”, at least Carson doesn’t appear to be as big of an embarrassment as the last magic negro.