Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 15, 2015

Though I will admit I enjoyed it quite a bit when I was fourteen, the ultra-violent and anti-Christian Preacher comic book has few redeemable qualities. It was funny, in a pretty non-PC way – a way that couldn’t really be repeated after the 90s – and that is about the only good thing I can say about it.

However, it is still noteworthy to me, as a former (another lie) fanboy that the main female lead, Tulip, the lover interest of the titular character Jesse the Preacher, is being turned into a Negress by the Jews who are producing the TV version of the book. The lead Jew running it is none other than Seth Rogan.
Two days ago, Bleeding Cool ran a script review for the pilot episode of AMC’s Preacher TV series. We noted some changes, how Jesse’s congregation stays alive, how Sheriff Root and Arseface are part of Jesse’s congregation… oh and there was the Quincannon connection we didn’t mention.
The clips have been removed now at the request of Sony who are making the show for AMC. But one we kept was this one, based on its pure newsworthiness…
The comic itself contained multiple non-White characters, and as I say, could itself be considered anti-White in orientation, due to its pre-occupation with anti-racist themes.

And yet these Jews feel it necessary to take one of the main characters, and turn her into a Negress. Just because. Even though it will obviously have a negative effect on the popularity of the show. Though that is probably a good thing. This show can’t possibly have a positive effect on culture.
For the record, Preacher was written by a White Northern Irishman named Garth Ennis. I met him a couple times as a teenager, and he always seemed jolly and kind. Preacher, while mediocre, was by far his best work, save for a few good Nick Fury comics he did.