Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 7, 2016
The new Iron Man is a Negress. Brought to you by the Jews.
No single group of people (and mutants, aliens, robots, etc.) have been hit harder by the SJW agenda than the characters of Marvel Comics.
Over the last five years, the company has undergone a process of cleansing all of the White heterosexual male characters from its stories.
Captain African-America and Female Thor are having sex now. Because of course.
We were introduced to a Black Captain America, a female Thor, a gay Iceman, a Pakistani Ms. Marvel, a half-Black, half-Mexican Spider-Man, etc. Along with replacing existing characters with diverse variants, they’ve also introduced a bunch of new diverse characters.
Iron Man had remained Tony Stark, the last White male of the three major figureheads of the Avengers (with Cap and Thor). Finally, he’s gotten his replacement.
He’ll be a Negress now.
Marvel Comics 1939: Wow, growing hot blonde sex kittens in tubes. Stimulating to the young boy’s mind.
Marvel Comics 2016: Wtf? Who the hell wants to read about a pregnant Spider-Woman? How did anyone even think of that?
The interesting part about this massive and rapid reshaping of the Marvel Comics Universe is that the process was both voluntary and against the financial interests of the company – and yet, no one has complained.
Compared to Gamergate
With the vidya industry, you had this huge Jew-owned, pro-feminist, pro-degeneracy press apparatus pushing for remaking video games in their own image. With Gamergate, the gamers themselves resisted, and have won some battles – there are still mainstream companies making video games about violent White heterosexual men and big breasted one-dimensional females.
Video games are still getting away with this. In current year. Because gamers fought back.
With comics, there is no especially influential trade press pushing for an agenda. And the industry itself is a fraction of what the vidya industry is – I don’t know the exact numbers, but it is much less than 1% the size – so you don’t have a huge force pressing against it. It could easily fly under the SJW radar, for the most part, as long as they threw up a few colored characters here and there. They didn’t have to replace the entire Avengers with diversity.
Like video games, the majority of comics consumers are White heterosexual males, who will naturally identify with White male characters. Under basic capitalistic principles, they would be marketing their product to their target audience.
But without pressure, the Jewish management of the company (which is owned by Jew Disney now) has made the unilateral decision to alienate its own audience. And the readers are just lying down and taking it as the heroes of their youth are transformed into Blacks, faggots and women.
Of course, independent comics sales are growing, largely due to the fact that they still have White male heroes. But the average comics reader w0uld never admit that this is why they’ve switched their brand.
The new Negress Iron Man is the creation of Brian Michael Bendis, a Jew who was responsible for the Seinfeldization – turning every character he wrote into a banal Jew-like jokey banterer – of Marvel Comics before he proceeded to pump up the diversity.
Brian Michael Bendis – found another one, guys!
He was the one who initially turned Jessica Jones into a mudshark, a theme now featured in the Netflicks series.
He also created the Blaxican Spider-Man.
The series has been praised for its graphic interracial sex scenes.
In an interview with TIME, Bendis explained that the new Black female Iron Man, Riri Williams, is a scientific genius.
Of course, it is biologically impossible for any female to be a genius (sorry ladies, it’s just a fact – I didn’t invent nature) and at least statistically impossible for a Negro to be a genius. The excuse might be that comics are a fantasy world where anything is possible, but that isn’t what’s going on here. This is just another Jewish attempt to exterminate White people.
Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.
This is Jew wizardry. An attempt to use fantasy to shape reality.
The Jew creator has Twitter.