Kremlin: Trump-Putin Meeting will Establish Vital Dialogue

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 6, 2017

Tomorrow will happen the thing that the Daily Stormer has been looking forward to for 3 years.

I think there is no way that after all this time it won’t be at least a little bit anti-climatic.

However, it’s still exciting.


The long-awaited meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart, Donald Trump, is expected to lay the groundwork for a working dialogue, which is vital for resolving the world’s conflicts, the Kremlin said.

“This is the first meeting, the first encounter of the two presidents, this is the main thing in this meeting,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday, commenting on the Kremlin’s expectations for the upcoming meeting between Putin and Trump at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany on July 7.

“[We have] expectations of establishing a working dialogue, which is probably vital for all the world in terms of improving efficiency in resolving a critical mass of conflicts and problems, which is growing day by day,” Peskov went on.

The Russian leader is preparing for the meeting with Trump the same way he is preparing for similar events at the G20, Peskov added. Putin will also meet French President Emmanuel Macron, South Korean President Moon Jae-in, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, among other world leaders during the two-day summit.

The conflicts in Syria and Ukraine and ways of resolving them are possibly among the other issues on the agenda during the first meeting between the two leaders, according to Peskov.

“I think that [the two leaders will discuss] the Syrian [conflict] resolution, the Astana process, and the issues of possible Russian-American cooperation,” Peskov said, adding that the joint fight against terrorism will be discussed if the US is ready for it. The presidents may also discuss the Syrian settlement.

As for the Ukrainian issue, the meeting will provide “a great opportunity to repeat the Russian position on the fact that there is no alternative to the Minsk agreements, the necessity to implement the agreements and taking measures to stop the provocations, which unfortunately occur from the Ukrainian Armed Forces.”

Despite the full format of the bilateral meeting, Peskov said that it will be time-limited, as it will take place in the framework of the G20 summit. The Russian president will not have an opportunity to fully express his understanding of the Ukrainian conflict and its reasons.

It will be funny to see how the Jewish media covers this.

They have effectively pretended like they never invented and promoted this kooky conspiracy theory that Trump is a Russian agent.

They decided to drop it after:

  1. James Comey admitted under oath that the media was just making things up to promote the theory
  2. Trump called out the “17 intelligence agencies” on their claim that Russia “hacked the election” by doing Wikileaks when they never examined the DNC server, and
  3. James O’Keefe released video of top people at CNN saying that the Russia theory is “bullshit,” “a witch hunt” and “a big nothing burger.”

It has now just disappeared completely, both from the media and the government agenda (Mueller is technically still organizing his Sanhedrin, but it isn’t really being discussed and Trump could dissolve it at any time without the media talking about it).

The Atlantic, in attempting to explain why the media talked about this theory for months on end, non-stop, is blaming Louise Mensch and the “crazy” left for infiltrating the mainstream with insane theories.

So will the media Jews just continue to avoid the topic when they cover the Putin-Trump meeting that they otherwise would have covered as the biggest conspiracy ever in human history?

I would assume so.

Trump won that war.

And you know – we certainly helped him.

Don’t forget that.

We are shaping public opinion, and we are changing the course of human history. You are all a part of that.