Ku Klux Klan Calls for ‘Shoot to Kill’ Policy to Deal with Mestizo Invasion

Daily Stormer
August 3, 2014

The KKK are drawing attention to the fact that these Mestizo invaders are in America illegally and are therefore breaking the law, no matter how old they are.

The Ku Klux Klan have spoken out about the current invasion of America and have called for patriots to defend their country with a shoot to kill policy.

This would get the job done, but it would be a lot less messy just to discourage them from coming in the first place, by giving them no welfare, no education, no health care and by making it illegal to employ them.

That would soon stop them from flooding in.

KKK recruitment flier.

Raw Story:

A self-described “Imperial Wizard” for a Ku Klux Klan organization openly defended his group’s call to deal with the thousands of young Central American immigrants coming to the U.S. through a “shoot to kill” policy, Al Jazeera America reported.

“To me, they’re breaking the law when they come here,” a hooded man identifying himself as Robert Jones said. “If we can’t turn them back, I think if we pop a couple of them off and leave the corpses laying on the border, maybe they’ll see that we’re serious about stopping immigration.”

Jones, who said he belonged to a group calling itself the “Loyal White Knights,” made the statement in a 10-minute interview with an associate flanking him in a remote field in North Carolina.

The Klan “Wizard” also told Al Jazeera that the current influx of refugees from El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras was sparking a rise in KKK membership, though he did not offer any evidence to back up his claim.

“We get thousands of people calling us a day, sending money, donations,” he insisted. “People want to see more rallys. They’re begging us to come to their town.”

Jones argued that the children were bringing “Third World diseases” with them into the U.S., an argument that has already been debunked.

“These people are criminals to begin with when they come to our country,” he told interviewer Robert Ray. “When they come here and cross our borders illegally, they’re breaking the law. What makes you think they’re going to continue to stop breaking the law once they get here? They’re going to continue breaking the law once they get here.”

Watch Al Jazeera’s report, as posted online on Tuesday, below.

I don’t know about the current state of the KKK, which has historically been a force for good in many periods of the history of the US, but this almost appears to be a purposeful demonization of anti-immigration forces.

We don’t want to kill these people – at least I don’t. We just want them to go home. Obama has brought them all here, distributing fliers in central America telling them they will all get citizenship. Once they get here, they get free everything.

If we changed policy, they wouldn’t even come at all. All we would have to do is tell them they can’t work, they can’t get benefits and if they are caught, they get sent home. Period. No need for a fence, let alone shooting people.