The Right Stuff
April 20, 2016
Is it the case that if everyone is free, no one is free? Is absolute liberty attainable? What would a State look like where there were no limits? Is reality itself an enslaver of man? Is the Jewish round Earth conspiracy another attempt to keep men from traversing the endless plane of reality??? Thrasymachus finally gets the an answer to his claim about the Unjust Man. Find out what it is and answers to all these questions in this episode of KulturKampf!
PS: The Earth is not a fucking plane. It’s a god-damned ellipsoid.
At long last we’ve come to the end of the pilgrimage. Our Journey through the ideal State has led us to Socrates’ final point: Poets, uncontrolled, are the destruction of the State and undermine the Philosopher Kings.
What is the object of aesthetics? Does it have one? Is creativity something that can be coerced for the betterment of the State or does it have to take on the cliched character of the impoverished and struggling artist in the hipster flat channeling his depression into a blank canvass? Join Titus, Aristocles, and I for a final discussion of Plato’s last book in the Republic as we end our journey through one of the most important political discussions of Western history. – Why Beauty Matters – Defending Beauty