Kurd Cucks Surrender to Iraqi Government – “We’re Sorry, Just Don’t Smash Us Like the Pussies We Are”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2017

lol, that was quick.

But look here: knowing the perfidiousness of the eternal Kurd, I do not believe they are genuinely backing down.

This is a strategic surrender – an attempt to maintain some of the ground they have gained during the ISIS crisis, rather than risk losing all of it.

They’re getting crushed anyway, and their Jewish allies are not coming to their aid, so they believe if they surrender now rather than later, they can negotiate some kind of expanded semi-autonomy that will allow them to continue to build up the systems which will allow them to separate.


Kurdistan’s regional government has proposed to “freeze” the outcome of last month’s independence referendum and begin dialogue with Baghdad to prevent further violence as Iraqi forces continue to “secure” Kurdish-controlled territories.

The Kurdistan regional government based in Erbil offered to “freeze the outcome of the referendum that was held in Iraqi Kurdistan” on September 25, where more than 91 percent of voters supported the idea of independence.

The regional government also offered an “immediate cessation of fighting and every kind of military operations in the Kurdistan Region,” as Iraqi government troops and pro-government militias continue to assert control on the oil-rich region after launching a military campaign earlier this month to seize territory from the Kurds.

In a matter of days, Baghdad took control over the city of Kirkuk and the surrounding regions and moved on to capture territory that the Kurds previously regained from Islamic State (IS, Daesh, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists. While the Iraqi advance faced very little resistance, clashes with Peshmerga Kurdish forces have been widely reported in the region.

“The dangerous situation and tension that faces Iraq and Kurdistan forces all of us to live up to the historical responsibility and to not allow the situation to lead to further war and confrontation between the Iraqi forces and the Peshmerga,” the Erbil government said in a statement early Wednesday, as quoted by Rudaw news.

“You’re beating our asses, so let me offer you a deal.”

If I were Iraq, I would refuse to accept the surrender, crush all remaining resistance and then take away whatever autonomy they had before the ISIS crisis as punishment for the independence bid.

Then I would outlaw all Kurdish symbols, the publishing of books in the Kurdish language or the speaking of Kurdish in schools and make it illegal for Kurdish women to marry Kurdish men.. Ethnic cleansing them, Tibet-style.

There is nothing to be gained by accepting surrender.

Noting that “aggression and the confrontation” between Iraqi forces and the Peshmerga have resulted in “bloodshed” on both sides of the conflict, the authorities in Erbil noted that a “war between the two sides will not have a winner.”


Says the guy getting ready to lose a war.

Instead, the Kurds proposed starting “an open dialogue” with the central government guided by the Iraqi constitution.

Baghdad has yet to respond to the Kurdish proposal.

The UN has already stated that it is ready to assist in the dialogue between the two governments “if requested.”

The Kurds have shown themselves to be allies of the Jew and the third biggest threat to stability in the Middle East, following Israel and Sunni terrorism. In fact, they are tied with Sunni terrorism, it is simply that they have less support from Western governments. If the CIA decided to pour money into the Kurdistan independence bid – as they probably promised to do, and were cockblocked by Donald J. Trump – then they would create as much trouble in Iraq as ISIS created.

It’s time to start moving ethnic Arabs into Kurd territory and forcing Kurd women to marry them.

Let’s see how strong and independent Kurd-commie women are when they’re getting raped and force married to Shiite Arabs!