Kurt Eichenwald has a Seizure Over Roseanne Barr’s Edgy Photoshoot from a Decade Ago

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 31, 2018

Roseanne Barr is a Jewess, but a weird one.

Kinda nuts.

She is a Trump-supporter and kinda right-wing on some things.

She has a new show – a sequel to her old show – and the show is pro-Trump.

So the Seizure Kike Kurt Eichenwald dug up an old edgy photoshoot she did and tried to start an outrage to get her show shut down.

Jews are all very similar, generally, but some of them are weird.

This photos are really her, and they’re what they look like – a Holocaust joke. They were from 2009, for a Jewish magazine called “Heeb.”

Fantastically, no one gives a shit about Eichenwald’s whining. He’s doing this over-the-top sappy emotional blackmail thing to the nth degree, with this picture of his relative who was lampshaded, and people are like “meh.”

That is a lot more meaningful than the thing itself.

People are no longer swayed by this Holocaust emotionalism shit. They just don’t care.

Jews promoted nihilism in our society, mocked and destroyed Christianity and everything else sacred, then said that there was still one thing that was sacred – the fake shower rooms and the six million bars of soap.

But that doesn’t work.

Family Guy does homosexual child molestation jokes.

Nihilism is nihilism and that is what we have and no one without a religion, history or identity is going to believe that an alleged war atrocity from 70 years ago is something they are supposed to cry about.

That is such a huge step in our fight.

This Roseanne thing is symbolic of the fact that this Jew method of emotional manipulation is finished.

They are culturally defenseless at this point, which means they can only rely on brute force.