Kuwaiti Cleric Claims ISIS is Selling Muslim Sex Slaves to Jews

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 15, 2014

A Kuwaiti Shiite cleric, Imam Saleh Jawhar, has come out and said that the US-Jew coalition to fight ISIS is a hoax and that ISIS is selling Muslim sex slaves to Jews.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has released a video of the imam making these statements during a recent sermon in Kuwait.

Jerusalem Post:

“Even if we accept everything else – what kind of religion allows the capturing of a Muslim woman, and on top of that, allows her to be sold to a Jew?!” the cleric asks in the sermon entitled The False War on ISIS.

Jawhar points to ISIS’s successes in the northern Syrian town of Kobani as evidence that the US-led coalition fight against the extremist Islamist group may not be real.

“Today, on the northern border of Syria, all those countries are fighting ISIS, yet ISIS has managed to capture that city [Kobani].. Is this conceivable? Or perhaps there is a premeditated scenario at play here.

“It was reported that ISIS members had managed to survive the air strikes by starting fires and generating black smoke that concealed them. But [the coalition] has cameras, and can even smash through rocks, and see through cave walls, so how come they cannot see through some smoke?,” he queried.

Jawhar said the coalition itself created ISIS, and has a vested interest in its survival.

“These people, commanded by Mistress America, are lying hypocrites. They do not really want to fight ISIS and destroy it,” he said.

I am presently not sure what to make of the ISIS situation. As the reader is aware – particularly those readers who are constantly looking for me to say something wrong so as they can attack and berate me – I took the position from the beginning that there was very little chance that ISIS is a Mossad plot. Although I still feel that it is most likely not a Mossad plot, I must say that at present, it looks more likely than it did before.

Though we should take this Shiite clerics claims with a grain of salt, I have yet to see anything good come out of ISIS, even as they initially claimed they were going to storm through to Jerusalem and kill all the Jews.

"A hadji is just a kike who traded in half his brain for a pair of balls." -Ben Garrison
“A hadji is just a kike who traded in half his brain for a pair of balls.” -Ben Garrison

If the Jews did arrange this mess, what it shows definitively is that they are completely unhinged. I simply cannot believe that there is any way of controlling this kind of primal violence long-term. Obviously, even if certain members of the leadership are Jews, have Jews or Jewish tools, once the lower ranks figured that out they would kill them and then use the organization to do what they originally said they were going to do.

One of my other arguments, which bears repeating, is that there is no reason to believe Muslims wouldn’t have created such an organization, and it seems to me that a more tame version of it – which already existed, it is called “al-Queda” – would be much more easily managed by the Jews.

Anyway, we’ll see what happens, but even if I get attacked for it, I am not going to stick to a position just because I took it in the first place. The point here is to tell the truth, this is not about my ego. My integrity matters to me much more than my ego. My ego mostly comes from my ripped abs and my position as an internationally renowned international ladies man. I run this website because I genuinely hate Jews and someone has to stop these kikes, not because I need to increase my self-esteem by making people think I’m smart.

So, whereas initially I felt there was probably a 5% chance that ISIS was a Jew plot, I would say that now I think there is probably a 15% chance of this.

Green to blue, if you will.
Green to blue, if you will.

If it is a Jew plot, however, that is good for us, as it shows just how disconnected from basic reality these people have become.