Kuwaiti Woman Watches African Maid Fall to Her Death While Filming It

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 31, 2017

Video is graphic.

I don’t know the exact context or date of this video, but it shows a Kuwaiti woman filming her African maid falling out a window and dying.

It’s not clear why she was hanging out the window, nor do I know what the woman is saying in Arabic.

This is standard Arabic behavior, certainly. They literally have slaves that they treat as the lowest filth.

But somehow, whites are the evil ones.

When whites had slaves, we treated them very well. Despite what you see in Jewish Hollywood movies, Negro slaves had good lives where they worked reasonable hours doing rewarding work, had nice family lives, their own churches (with a slave pastor who generally wasn’t required to work or work very much beyond that role) and engaged in music, art and other hobbies during their free time.

It was certainly a hell of a lot better than what they left in Africa. That is simply an objective fact, which is non-controversial.

We could just as easily be teaching black people to be thankful for us for bringing them out of Africa. If we would have taught them that from the beginning, then it would have been possible to maintain some kind of peaceful relationship between our two peoples.

Regrettably (or not), that ship has sailed, and separation is the only reasonable option at this point.