Kyle Hunt and National Youth Front Team-Up for Operation “Grumpy Grundy”

William Martel
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2015

It is no coincidence that Kyle Hunt released this video above on the 30th, a day before National Youth Front launched Operation “Grumpy Grundy” in the early morning of July 1st. This plan was in the making for weeks, giving Kyle the time he needed to produce the video and the NYF the time to assemble their chapters so they could give Saida Grundy a warm welcome on her first day of work.

Grundy was involved in a scandal after she Tweeted hateful messages against Whites, but Boston University refused to fire her – even after it came out that she told a rape victim to “go cry somewhere.”

There was no way Boston University or Grundy could have seen this coming, nor could they have defended themselves from this; for this operation was executed in a timely manner and with military precision. NYF members evaded all security and successfully taped-up large posters and flyers (smaller versions of the large posters) in strategic locations all over Boston University including: Grundy’s entire Sociology wing, BU Administration Building, the Dean’s Office and the Student Center.

Get more details of the story here.

The purpose of all this was to send a clear message to these Marxist universities: We White people are watching; we will no longer tolerate the anti-White hatred being taught to our people; and we will make our voices be heard.

The NYF, their allies and others have begun tweeting the hashtag #FireGrundy, and you should be tweeting it in order to support this mission.

The goal is to make this go viral and get it trending. We must work together and not allow these people think that they can get away with their anti-white hate speech. We must make a stand and we must do it together.

Will the Stormer Troll army answer the call of duty?

Boston University Facebook page

Twitter – @BU_Tweets

Make sure you say hello to Saida @saigrundy