Labour MP Finally Admits That Child Grooming is a Racial Issue

December 10, 2013

Labour MP Simon Danczuk has condemned Police for claiming the case is not about ethnicity.
Labour MP Simon Danczuk has condemned Police for claiming the case is not about ethnicity.

A Labour MP has condemned police for claiming a case involving nine Asian men sexually grooming as many as 47 white girls as young as 13 was not a racial issue.

Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk has said Greater Manchester Police’s attitude towards the case involving the Asian men is “wholly and completely wrong”.

The case between Asian defendants and white victims sparked protests from far-right groups but police insisted the grooming was not “racially motivated”.

The men, from Rochdale and Oldham, were jailed for a total of 77 years in May 2012 for the sexual exploitation of girls of ages as young as 13.

Talking to BBC Radio 4’s World at One programme, Mr Danczuk said ethnicity “is a factor” in on-street grooming.

Nine pakistanis were given a total of 77 years for grooming and raping white children.
These Pakistanis were given a total of 77 years for grooming and raping white children in Rochdale.

He said: “There is no doubt about it, ethnicity is a factor in this type of abuse, this on-street grooming.

“I think by saying so I think it makes it easier for us to combat it.”

He told the programme that he suspects the abuse is still continuing in the Lancashire area and across the country.

“In terms of whether it is still going on I suspect it probably is,” he said.

“The intelligence that I receive as a Member of Parliament, and I keep my ear close to the ground, is that this sort of abuse is still occurring.

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