Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2015

A brave young boy has had the courage to speak the truth that so many spineless adults refuse to.
Tristram Hunt, the Labour education secretary was not expecting to be told live on air that the child would be voting UKIP if he got the chance, but got a real shock when the plucky young lad followed it up by telling him why: To get all the foreigners out of the country.
Of course, instead of admitting that the invasion is having a devastating effect on our children, the media and the government have been quick to pretend that the boy didn’t really know what he was saying and must have been ‘drinking in propaganda.’
But there has been no propaganda on tv encouraging all the foreigners to get out, as that would be ‘racist.’
So he must have been speaking the truth, no matter what the adults would rather believe.

Mr Hunt, who was visiting a primary school in Derbyshire as part of the election campaign, asked the year six child: ‘Do you know who you would vote for?’
When the child said Ukip, Mr Hunt replied, ‘Very good’ and asked why. The youngster replied: ‘To get all the foreigners out the country.’
A Labour spokesman admitted to MailOnline that Mr Hunt had been taken aback by the schoolboy’s remarks.
He said: ‘We were at a school in Derbyshire, in a classroom. I’ll admit we were a little bit surprised by the remark.’
The exchange at Howitt Primary School at Heanor, Derbyshire, was recorded by BBC East Midlands and broadcast last night.
Today the headteacher said that the unnamed boy’s comments were ‘not representative of the school’.