Large Group of Blacks Continue Kicking Student’s Head in Long After he Has Passed Out

Ipswich Star
December 27, 2013

BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM - AUGUST 8: Photographer Harry Smith is beaten and mugged. Riots have begun in Birmingham city centre, August 8, 2011. Shop fronts have been smashed and there are reports of looting. One photographer, Harry Smith, was beaten up and had his wallet and camera stolen. It follows rioting in London over the weekend.   (Photo by Mathew Growcoot/newsteam)
Stock Picture. The gang of Black thugs continued to beat on the student while he was unconscious and on the ground.

The 21-year-old from north Essex was attacked outside Subway in Queen Street, Colchester between 3-3.30am on Saturday.

He was initially punched having tried to intervene in a dispute, and the gang of attackers continued their assault while he was knocked out on the ground.

Investigating officer DDC Seff Manesh said: “This young man had been out with his friends after returning home from university for the Christmas holiday.

“We are aware of a disturbance involving a large number of young men and are examining CCTV to establish what happened and who was involved.

“This student has sustained some very nasty-looking injuries which will affect him for the foreseeable future. We’re looking to speak with those bystanders who saw what happened and what started the melee.”

The half a dozen or so attackers are described as black and in their late teens and early 20s.

The victim was taken to Colchester General Hospital by paramedics, with police only contacted on Saturday afternoon.

At hospital, he was given initial treatment for a series of facial fractures and will be seeing a specialist surgeon in the county later this week.

Anyone with information should contact detectives at Colchester Police Station on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.