Last Day: Time to Grab America by the Pussy

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 7, 2016


Today is the last day.

Tomorrow, we will decide the course of human history.

Whatever happens, tomorrow the world ends.

Everything you know – none of it will ever be the same again.

The biggest story today was the DNCLeaks.

We have an article on the CNN-DNC collusion already up – the DNC was feeding CNN debate questions.

This is so unbelievable, I don’t know how the network is going to continue to exist. This is after they were feeding questions to Clinton in her debates.

We also found out that a (((WaPo))) jouranlist asked the DNC for anti-Trump research.

Daily Caller:

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank appears to have asked the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to do the majority of the research for a negative column he wrote about Donald Trump in April 2016.

Milbank’s column was titled, “The Ten Plagues of Trump,” and featured a list of “outrageous things” said by Trump. One of the “plagues” listed by Milbank, for example, was “Blood” and centered around a quote from Trump about Megyn Kelly: “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”

Internal DNC emails suggest Milbank’s asked for — and then leaned heavily on — DNC opposition research on Trump for the article.

The day before Milbank’s article, DNC deputy communications director Eric Walker sent out an email to the DNC’s research team.

In the email — which was titled “research request: top 10 worst Trump quotes?” — Walker wrote, “Milbank doing a Passover-themed 10 plagues of Trump.”

And yes, of course Milbank is a greasy yid.


These Jews.

A passover themed anti-Trump article.


And here – this might be even more damning than the media collusion.

It’s certainly more trigging, though about as much to be expected.

Bill Clinton said that the Obama years destroyed the White working class. In those terms.

Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton

Daily Caller:

The economic stagnancy of the Obama years is to blame for plummeting life expectancy rates among white, working-class Americans, according to former president Bill Clinton, who privately told Democratic donors that lower-income whites “don’t have anything to look forward to when they get up in the morning.”

Clinton made the remarks while speaking to at a November 2015 closed-door fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in Canton, Ohio.

Echoing a theme of Republican nominee Donald Trump’s campaign, the former president expressed his concern that white, working-class Americans have been left behind over the last eight years.

Clinton expressed his frustration with the most recent (at that time) Democratic debate, which he said lacked a single mention of the fact that “84 percent of the American people, after inflation, had not had a raise of 1 cent since the financial crash.”

“We have incredible debates all over America that shouldn’t exist between people in different racial groups because they don’t trust law enforcement anymore,” he continued. “And in the middle of all this we learned, breathtakingly, that middle-aged, non-college-educated white Americans’ life expectancy is going down and is now lower than Hispanics, even though they make less money.”

“And the gap between African Americans and whites is closing, but unfortunately not because the death rate among African Americans is dropping but because the death rate among white Americans is rising.” Clinton continued.

“Why? Because they don’t have anything to look forward to when they get up in the morning. Because their lives are sort of stuck in neutral. Because their lives are sort of stuck in neutral.”

If he’s concerned about it, why didn’t he mention it publicly?

Why only in a secret speech?

I wonder…

Other DNC Revelations

These summaries are all from RT.

Trump-Putin ties planned for defamation purposes:

The latest DNC email leak suggests that the DNC was searching for angles with which to build a narrative of close ties between Republican candidate Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

An email from April 2006 shows DNC staff discussing ways to use Trump’s connection to Dimitri Simes, President of the Center for the National Interest (CFTNI) in Washington DC, as further evidence of Trump’s “too friendly” relationship with Putin.

“We don’t have a ton on Simes, but the pro-Russia stuff ties in pretty well to idea that Trump is too friendly with Putin/weak on Russia,” wrote former DNC senior advisor Lawrence Roberts.

Research into any possible Russian connection came when the CFTNI hosted Trump for his speech on foreign policy last May.

Admission that Trump “not paying taxes” was a result of legislation passed by the bitch’s rapist husband:

DNC research into Donald Trump’s taxes show the Republican candidate hasn’t “paid a cent” and found that was down to President Bill Clinton’s tax plan.

“I know very little about this, but from a quick sweep it looks like passive-loss relief was a core component of Bill Clinton’s 1993 tax plan,” writes Jeremy Brinster, a former DNC research staffer.

Brinster’s research shows Trump’s last public tax return was filed in 1981, a year in which he paid $0 due to the fact he had lost money through his real estate investments during the previous 12 months.

A “disastrous” 1986 tax law, which saw real estate moguls lose millions, was overhauled by President Clinton in 1993. His ‘passive-loss relief system’ continues to give major tax breaks to real estate investors – including Trump.

Attacks on Morning Joe, planning to manipulate network into silencing him:

In May 2016, DNC Communications Director, Luis Miranda, threatened to “silence” ‘Morning Joe’ host Joe Scarborough by complaining to his bosses over some of Scarborough’s comments on air.

“F**king Joe claiming the system is rigged, party against him, we need to complain to their producer,” wrote Miranda in May to DNC’s Press Secretary Mark Paustenbach.

The mail was sent around the time Sanders supporters were accusing the Democratic party’s primary and superdelegate system of being weighted against him.

By the way, that appears to have worked. Morning Joe did reduce support for Trump and stopped with his “rigged system” talk sometime in early summer.

In response to these DNCLeaks, Wikileaks was ddosed. Their site actually went down temporarily.

Moslems in Check


The FBI did a sweep of the hajis.


American Muslims in eight states have been contacted by the FBI in recent days to answer a series of questions regarding any connections to Al-Qaeda leaders or knowledge of any terror plots, a civil rights group said.

Officials with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a civil rights organization for Muslims in the US, said that over the weekend, FBI agents visited the homes of Muslim-Americans in California, Florida, Kansas, Michigan, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington to ask if the individuals knew certain Al-Qaeda leaders killed in a recent US airstrike and if they knew anyone planning to harm Americans domestically or abroad, among other questions, according to CAIR reports and the Washington Post.

“The FBI actions . . . to conduct a sweep of American Muslim leaders the weekend before the election is completely outrageous and . . . borderline unconstitutional,” Hassan Shibly, executive director of CAIR-Florida, told the Post. “That’s the equivalent of the FBI visiting churchgoing Christians because someone overseas was threatening to blow up an abortion clinic. It’s that preposterous and outrageous.”

This was the TRUMPLAND contingent of the bureau getting that done, guaranteed. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Jews coordinated with their cousins the goatpeople to set something off that shuts down the election tomorrow.

FLASHBACK: Madam Gorilla on Aggro Granny

Funny, this clip.

She mocks the old bitch for being incapable of controlling her husband.

Mexican Anti-Trump Rituals



Mexicans have smashed Donald Trump pinatas and torched the Republican White House hopeful’s effigy. Now they hope he will crash and burn in Tuesday’s US presidential election.

The New York billionaire became Mexico’s bogeyman ever since he called migrants “rapists” and drug dealers when he launched his campaign last year.

“The guy is a clown, a blowhard,” said Jafet Granados, an 18-year-old biotechnology student who was standing under Mexico City’s Angel of Independence monument.

“If he wins, he won’t do half of what he has promised.”

The government certainly sees risks in a Trump victory.

Finance Minister Jose Antonio Meade said while a Trump victory would undoubtedly cause more “volatility” in the markets, the country was on strong financial footing to deal with it.

And central bank chief Agustin Carstens, who warned in September that Trump could hit Mexico like a powerful “hurricane,” said this week that the government had a contingency plan to weather the storm.

Oh yes, bean man.

There is a storm coming.

I can promise you that much.


Everyone’s Favorite Jewess


Jill Stein is out attacking Clinton, pointing out that she’s going to start a nuclear war.

The Inquisitr:

Hillary Clinton is likely to start World War 3 with Russia, according to Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein.

Clinton is supposedly declaring war on Russia by pushing for an intervention in Syria, and given that the U.S. and Russia are both nuclear powers, a Hillary Clinton presidency “is a mushroom cloud waiting to happen,” Stein warned in a Facebook Live interview.

No fan of the New York real estate mogul and first-time candidate, Stein described Donald Trump as a “wild card” during the Facebook Live interview, but she argued that Hillary Clinton is far more dangerous because she could ignite World War 3.

“Not only in regards to these expanding wars where Hillary has this proven track record…of the most pro-conflict military policy as possible, and she’s calling for a no-fly zone in Syria, which means we’re essentially declaring war on Russia if Hillary gets elected–declaring war on Russia at a time that we have 2,000 nuclear weapons between us and the Russians on hair-trigger alert. This is a mushroom cloud waiting to happen. So,it’s really important right now for us to stand up…”

Funny that this commie Jew is apparently not as evil as the GOP Jews.

Where We’re At

The polls are still largely beautiful, save for the extremely hoaxed ones.

Early voting as well.

North Carolina


Drudge Report:

Another dramatic turn of events is being reported out of North Carolina this afternoon: Donald Trump has jumped past all expectations in early voting!

In 2012, Romney hit Election Day down 447,000 votes, based on early ballots. He went on to win the state by 97,000 votes.

Now, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal, Trump opens Election Day down 305,000!

EDITOR’S NOTE: A poll going into this week had Trump nearing 50% in the Old North state.



Drudge Report:

Data obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT shows presidential underdog Donald Trump outperforming Republican 2012 election results in Florida.

Mitt Romney went into Election Day down 161,000 in absentee ballots and early voting. He ended up losing the state by 74,000.

This time, in a dramatic surprise twist, Trump is only down 32,500! And Republicans tend to outvote Democrats on Election Day in Florida.

EDITOR’S NOTE: A late poll showed Trump nearing 50% in the sunshine state.


Denver Post:

Republicans took the lead in early voting in Colorado at the end of the day Friday and held the advantage through the weekend despite robust Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts.

The latest early voting numbers released Monday morning show registered Republicans cast 652,380 ballots compared to 645,020 registered Democrats — a 7,360 vote GOP advantage. The breakdown looks like this: 35.2 percent Republican, 34.8 percent Democrat and 28.5 percent unaffiliated.

Nationally, we’re still up by 5 points, according to LA Times.


And the thing here is – we’re all voting.

Hillary people, who answer the poll for her, aren’t going to vote at anything near the rate we are.

But in order to beat the rigging, we must win by at least 5%.



You need to take the day off work tomorrow, and you need to get everyone you know to the polls.

We have to win by a significant margin to beat their dirty tricks.


There is no excuse.

You have to do this.


Every single one of you.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.



Tomorrow may be the best day or the worst day of my adult life, but this is certain: it’s going to be the busiest.

I will be around all day, will a YUGE live updates thread. I’m also going to be on Red Ice radio for their broadcast at 11 PM.

And get this: we’ll also be doing our own livestream on YouTube. For a very long time. We’ll get started in the evening, time is still TBA, we’re arranging this last minute.

We’re trying to get on as many AWESOME and LULZY and SHITLORDISH people as possible.

So far no one has confirmed, because I just thought of this while I was typing this post.

It’s been a long week. I never got around to this part.

But yes: we will be live tomorrow night with coverage of the election results when they start coming in.

I can promise you that.


Kek is with us.

They tried to kill us in Reno.

Kek killed their Reno.


All the kikes on earth can’t stop us now.


Hail Victory.