Latest New Hampshire Poll: Trump 38%, Cruz 12%

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2016

big boss trump

UMASS has a new New Hampshire poll out, surveys taken between January 30 and February 1 (full data here).

Conservative Treehouse makes these neat graphics for all the polls.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton greets a supporter following her address at the 18th Annual David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Forum at Columbia University in New York

Iowa obviously disappointed us all.

But we need to understand that polls were for a long time oscillating there between Cruz and Trump. Nothing has been lost here.

A few people got rustled jimmies when I yesterday made a bunch of mean-spirited jokes about Iowaians being village people, some feeling that I was insulting rural people.

Firstly, I won’t apologize for making fun of Iowaians. Regardless of the reasons behind it, voting for Ted Cruz is a betrayal of America. We are all angry about this, and making fun of these people is a way to let some of that anger out.


Iowa is one of the Whitest and most rural states in America. On top of this, it is one of the most evangelical Christian. These three factors came together to create a situation of second place for Trump.

White – They don’t understand what “diversity” means. Studies continually show that the further away from minorities you are geographically, the more sympathetic to them you are. Conversely, the closer you are geographically to minorities, the more inclined you are to hate them.

Rural – Rural people are much less likely to understand the problems of modern society, generally. On every level. This isn’t an insult, it is just a fact. Beyond not being exposed to diversity, they are less effected by the general economic and social decline of America. As such, they are more inclined to support the status quo, rather than a revolutionary candidate like Trump.

EvangelicalAs I wrote yesterday, evangelical Christians are very easily manipulated by smooth-talking liars like Cruz, who focus on emotional trigger issues such as abortion rather than serious problems like immigration and the economy. Trump has more important things to do than pander to these people.

Obviously, all these of these things are somewhat interrelated, but I dare say that in no place other than Iowa do they all exist so strongly together.

The South is rural and evangelical, but understands the perils of diversity.

The Northwest is White and rural, but less religious.


Given this, I am very confident that in no other state in America can Cruz do nearly as well as he did in Iowa. And he only beat Trump by a couple points there.

We are going to win.