Latest Polls Show Trump Tied with Clinton

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 18, 2016


The victory march continues!


With the exception of NBC, battleground polls released so far in July show voters are moving toward Donald Trump. In four battleground states — Iowa, Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania — Trump gained an average of five points and caught Clinton in at least one poll in each state.

If that five point shift is quietly happening in North Carolina and New Hampshire, other battleground states where we have no recent non-NBC polls, then Trump is also quietly ahead in both, bringing him to within 266-272 in the Electoral Vote. He would still need to win Michigan, Virginia, Maine, Ohio or some other state to stop Clinton from accumulating the 270 Electoral Votes needed for a Presidential Inauguration.

Competitive + TX, NY, CA Trump Clinton Late June Early July
Total Projection 266 272  -4.1
California (lock) 0 55 -23 -30
Colorado 0 9 -1 -7.5
Florida 29 0 -2 3.3
Iowa 6 0 -7 0.3
Maine (CD2) 1 0 1 NP
Maine (not CD2) 0 3 -7 NP
Michigan 0 16 -4 -3
Nevada 0 6 NP -4
New Hampshire 4 0 -4 1?
New Jersey 0 14 -12 NP
New York (lock) 0 29 NP -23
North Carolina 15 0 -1 3?
Ohio 0 18 -4 -1
Pennsylvania 20 0 -2 2
Texas (lock) 38 0 8 NP
Virginia 0 13 -3 -2.5
Wisconsin 0 10 -6 -6
34 States/DC in bank 153 99

Our March 9 projection of Donald Trump’s eventual National Delegate count was within a few votes of the final result. The same analysis shows Trump potentially falling just short at 266-272 if the averages of the state polls of more than a dozen pollsters is accurate.

Ah, but Hillary is dropping.

Especially after that Pokemon joke.

That must have lost her 5 points alone.