Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 13, 2015

This summit of the America’s deal has really shown just how much Latin America hates regular America.
I mean, these people are seriously pissed.
Argentine President says there is an NGO conspiracy to destabalize her base.

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has slammed the West’s “soft” campaign to destabilize Latin American countries.
During her address at the 35-nation Summit of the Americas in Panama City on Saturday, she said the attempts always originate in some NGOs that “we never know who finance them.”
She warned that the destructive attempts “aim at the destabilization of governments in the region, of the governments that have done the most for equality, for education and social inclusion.”
Pointing to the “major accomplishments” of the Latin American governments in the areas of human rights, social inclusion, health, and education, Kirchner said the West lends support to “governments with neoliberal policies that shattered people.”
Bolivian President said the same thing, basically.

Bolivian president Evo Morales harshly condemned the United States Government for creating chaos, for promoting destabilization, and for attacking the sovereignty of nations as it continues to move forward with imperialist attitudes against countries around the world.
Morales also spoke about poverty in Latin America, saying that it was important to point out that the causes of the problem lie in Washington and their imposition of neoliberal measures in the region.
“The United States continues to see Latin America and the Caribbean as its backyard and the people of the region as its slaves, and this is the cause of extreme poverty in the region,” Morales said.
The Bolivian president accused Washington of all the military coups that affected Latin America during the second half of the 20th century.
“It is important to remember,” he stated, “that in the relations between the U.S. and Latin America and the Caribbean there are more failures than successes. The relations are loaded with armed interventions by the United States, invasions and constant aggressions.”
Venezuelan President attacked Obama.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says he does not trust Barack Obama although he is willing to speak with him to reduce tensions.
“I respect you, but I don’t trust you, President Obama,” Maduro said at the 35-nation Summit of the Americas in Panama City, the capital of Panama, on Saturday.
On March 9, Obama issued an executive order to impose sanctions on seven Venezuelan officials.
Under Obama’s order, the US property and bank accounts of the Venezuelan officials will be frozen and they will be denied US visas.
Washington accuses the officials of rights violations in relation to last year’s protests in Venezuela.
The order also declared Venezuela an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to US national security and foreign policy. Maduro reacted by calling the US an “imperialist threat” at the time.
“I am willing to talk with President Obama about this issue with respect and sincerity,” Maduro stated, referring to the issue of sanctions.
And then the whole committee released a statement condemning the US.
Representatives and participants in the Peoples’ Summit of the America released their final declaration that condemns U.S. actions against Venezuela.
Participants at the People’s Summit of the Americas issued their final declaration Saturday rejecting U.S. aggression and intervention toward the region declaring Latin America and the Caribbean as a “Zone of Peace.”
The document, which was approved by more then 2,000 representatives, condemned what it called, “military aggression and threats by the United States and their strategic allies carried out through the establishment of military bases in the region.”
The statement also backed the recent call by Secretary-General for the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) Ernesto Samper suggesting that all U.S. military bases in Latin America should be shut down.
As part of the four-day conference, the Union Confederation of Rural Workers of Bolivia (CSUTB) submitted a proposal, which is still waiting approval, for the creation of a Latin American Defense Council.
Its mission is described as “the defense of sovereignty, resources and the democratic system from U.S. interference in regional politics.”
So, yes. Overall, we are unliked, and probably for some rather good reasons. Probably getting a lot of blame for their own failures as well.
The good news is, Obongo has sworn not to interfere with their affairs anymore.
US President Barack Obama has told Latin American leaders that the days when his country could freely interfere in regional affairs are past.
He was speaking just before the seventh Summit of the Americas in Panama City.
Mr Obama and Cuban leader Raul Castro shook hands as the opening ceremony began, their first encounter since a December detente.
But their historic formal talks due on Saturday could be overshadowed by tensions between Venezuela and the US.
Mr Obama told a forum of civil society leaders in Panama City that “the days in which our agenda in this hemisphere presumed that the United States could meddle with impunity, those days are past”.
The sad fact is that the US is simply not a serious country anymore, and the whole world knows it. The election of an African was the final public statement that we are completely ridiculous.
It’s really a shame.
I blame the Jews.