Le Dylann Roof: Louvre Attacker Identified as White Male with a Bowl Cut

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 4, 2017

A picture of the attacker, released by the French cops.

In a startling development, the attacker from this weeks brutal machete attack on the Louvre Museum in Paris has been identified as a white male with a bowl cut. It is said that he was radicalized online by reading Infowars.com and watching Gavin McInnes on YouTube. He chose the Louvre as an attack spot because he believed the gross steel pyramid in front of it represented “the globalist illuminati Bilderberger agenda to fulfill the Georgia Guidestones.”

During the attack, the white male was heard screaming “AUDIT THE FED,” which is a white supremacist slogan.

This video was found on his social media account, where he discusses getting the “ultimo bowl cut”:

Like Pepe the Frog, bowl cuts are recognized by the ADL as an international symbol of anti-Semitism and Nazism.

This is a serious blow to the “Alt-Right” movement, proving once again that white males are naturally driven toward vicious acts of obscene violence at a startling rate. In the wake of this massacre, French politicians are calling for the Confederate flag to be banned from France, once and for all.

Along with terrorism and racial hatred, white males have also been proven by Jewish scientists to be behind rape culture, global warming and catcalling, leading many to believe that being a white male should simply be banned altogether.

Professor Shekelwitz has spent decades studying whiteness, and determined that white males are the root of all terrorism and global warming.

Because although this is only one attack, it can be extrapolated from it that all white males desire to do such attacks, and will do so eventually. As such, the only logical response is a crackdown on white males, because –

– oh wait, sorry.

I read this wrong.

It was an Egyptian Moslem.


Initial investigations into the Louvre attack have identified the suspect as an Egyptian national who arrived in Paris on a tourist visa from the UAE. The alleged terrorist wielded a pair of quite expensive ‘machetes,’ according to French officials.

One French soldier suffered a head injury in the attack. The machete-wielding suspect was shot and wounded and was later identified as a 29-year-old Egyptian national, according to Paris Prosecutor François Molins. He did not, however, disclose the name of the suspect.

The attack was “obviously of a terrorist nature” according to the French PM Bernard Cazeneuve. It is impossible to determine at the moment, if the suspect “acted on instructions” from abroad or if he acted “alone and spontaneously,” Molins told reporters.

There were some indications in the initial findings, though, that the attack might have been premeditated. The suspect arrived in France from Dubai on January 26 after acquiring a one-month tourist visa. On January 27, the attacker rented a car until February 5, and the next day bought two expensive machetes from an arms store near the Place de la Bastille, according to Molins.

“He bought two machetes from an arms store located near the Place de la Bastille of more than €600,” Molins said.

That’s $650 dollars.

Those are some expensive machetes.

The suspect did not have anything else with him besides the pair of 40cm machetes, a “bag of paint cans” and a mobile phone when searched after being shot. Police traced his activity back to an apartment, presumably rented by the suspect, and the flat did not contain much either, according to Molins.

Investigators uncovered a sum of €965, the invoice of the two machetes, a number of prepaid sim cards, some clothes and an Egyptian passport stamped with visas for Saudi Arabia and Turkey in 2015 and 2016 respectively. The suspect also had a resident permit from the United Arab Emirates.

The attack at the Louvre occurred early on Friday when four soldiers prevented the suspect from entering Louvre shopping area with two bags. The suspect attacked them, bruising one soldier with the machete and was subsequently shot and wounded. The soldiers fired five shots in total. The attacker’s condition was described as “life-threatening,” but stable, and the injured soldier has been advised to take 10 days leave.

The important thing to remember here is that this has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is a religion of peace. This is just one individual bad apple. Every bushel has them.

Professor Shekelwitz says that the real victims of terrorism in Europe are Moslems themselves.

We need to take this opportunity of the attack to embrace Moslems, to thank them for their contributions, and to apologize for all that we have done to them, for example the Crusades.

Just because this wasn’t a white male doesn’t mean that it would have been if a white male had thought of it. The real threat is white men and their racism.