Daily Stormer
May 27, 2014

Marine Le Pen has announced that she will be forming a new right-wing coalition in the EU Parliament, but that she will not be inviting Golden Dawn, Jobbik or Bulgaria’s Atacka (who didn’t win any seats anyway) to the party, and she said she would probably not be meeting with the NPD’s rep either.
From the Guardian:
After Reuters reported that the FN was considering an alliance with certain extreme-right European groups, Le Pen issued an angry statement. “Following a serious error, Reuters suggested that I envisaged alliances with Jobbik and Golden Dawn. I have declared exactly the opposite…,” she wrote. “Asked ‘with whom will you not ally yourselves?’, I replied: Jobbik, Ataka and Golden Dawn among others.”
Le Pen requires the support of 25 MEPs from seven different countries to form a political group in the European parliament.
Nigel Farage has yet to say who he’ll be aligning with, though before the elections he has some nasty words for Le Pen.
I suppose it isn’t the end of the world, the various parties can this way come at things from multiple angles. They will basically all be voting the same way anyway, and this will give GD, Jobbik and the rest of the more extreme parties the ability to push the Jewish issue without feeling they need to protect the reputations of the more uptight and image-conscious right-wingers.