Le Pen Won Police and Military

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 9, 2017


So it turns out, she did when one group.


Analysis of the results in three voting stations with an atypical profile in the Paris region confirms that the gendarmes (and their families) voted for Marine Le Pen.

In Versailles, it is shown by the two voting stations in the Satory plateau (No. 10 and No. 11). Marine Le Pen got 64.61% and 53.34% there respectively, against 35.39% and 46.66% for Emmanuel Macron. These are the only voting stations in Versailles that don’t put Macron far ahead. In the town, Macron got 76.15% and Le Pen 23.85%. Abstention was slightly higher on the Satory plateau than in the rest of Versailles. The only people living on the Satory plateau are gendarmes, military personnel and civilians working in the defence industry who benefit from social housing.

The same observation in Nanterre, with voting station 14 which corresponds to the Republic Guard barracks. Marine Le Pen was in front with 54.04% against 45.96% for Macron. The contrast with the rest of the city is also striking here: Macron 83.15% and Le Pen 16.85%.

The Cevipof polls by Sciences Po regularly indicate that the FN gets around half of the vote from members of the military, gendarmes and police.

Translation via Diversity Macht Frei.

Don’t really get it.

Their jobs are a lot more secure under Macron.

They get to fight Moslems at home AND abroad.