Le Whackjob Macron Says He has Proofs of Assad Chemical Attack, Will Take Revenge

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 13, 2018

This faggot has a point.

So even the kook General Mattis is saying that he doesn’t even know if the chemical attack happened – he’s just seen some posts about it on social media: “So, I cannot tell you that we have evidence, even though we have a lot of media and social media indicators that either chlorine or sarin was used.”

But the extremist French nutjob Macron is saying he’s got proof so he’s going to go ahead and fuck up the entire country as revenge.

I mean, he says he’s doing it for revenge. But I mean. You have to wonder if he isn’t doing it because a bunch of kikes are telling him to, you know?

Because that seems a lot more likely than that this guy is just a madman hellbent on revenge over gassed babies which maybe weren’t even gassed and also if they were who gives a fuck.

Washington Post:

French President Emmanuel Macron sharpened his stance Thursday on possible intervention in Syria, claiming that France has “proof” of a chemical attack last week and insisting that regimes must be held accountable for their abuses.

Macron’s comments were widely interpreted as moving France closer to joining the United States in a possible military strike despite critics’ worries about a reprise of France’s participation in a 2011 NATO intervention in Libya, which helped bring down ruler Moammar Gaddafi but left Libya in deep chaos.

Macron’s tough statement contrasted with remarks by major European partners — as well as his own assessment four months ago.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Thursday that her country would not join a military operation in Syria. Meanwhile, Britain has called for international chemical detection teams to visit the site of Saturday’s attack, the former rebel stronghold of Douma east of Damascus.

Yeah for all of the stupid, sick shit the Germans do, they are not on this “bomb the Middle East” thing.

That is just America, Britain and France.

And France is the odd one out there.

I think of the American and British populations as being sort of dumb. With Americans, the boomer Christian thing – you’ve always got this large base of people who are purposefully trying to bring about the apocalypse.

And British are just sort of unhinged in a general sense.

But we always think of the French as sophisticated.

They were the ones who went with Hillary to fuck Libya and create this black flood though – and now they want to do Syria? Up that flood?

For the moment, public opinion polls in France suggest that a plurality of citizens are skeptical of carrying out a strike on Syria.

In France in particular, the memory of the 2011 Libyan operation looms especially large. In that operation — spearheaded by France’s then-president, Nicolas Sarkozy — a NATO task force conducted airstrikes that helped Libyan rebels overthrow Gaddafi but did little else to help stabilize the country.

The WaPo is so insane.

“Little else to stabilize the country”?

As if removing Gaddafi did something to stabilize the country.

Libya was stable, now 7 years later it remains Mad Max. No one anywhere thinks that Syria would become anything other than full Mad Max if Assad is removed. Hundreds of thousands of people will die and millions will flood Europe.

And it will also cost trillions of dollars.

And that is worth it to take revenge for this gassing thing?

Who is even following this narrative?

It is painful to even think about. It literally causes pain in the head to imagine that someone somewhere is thinking “yeah, this makes sense, let’s go for it.”