Leader of Jobbik: ‘Islam is the Last Hope of Humanity’

Islam Versus Europe
November 8, 2013

vona_gabor_2_1Gábor Vona repeated what he had already emphasised on several occasions: Islam is the last hope of humanity in the darkness of globalism and liberalism. Gábor Vona revealed that his personal life has been influenced by Islam, that has many Muslim friends and colleagues and that one of the witnesses to his wedding was a Palestinian.

Source: www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr

Gábor Vona is presenting four lectures and conducting discussion forums at well-known Turkish universities: he was at Sakarya yesterday, today he’s going to Istambul’s Marmara University, tomorrow is for Bilecik near Bursa, then Istambul University on Saturday.

Last night around three hundred people attended his lecture on the common Turkish-Hungarian future at Sakarya, 200 kilometres from Istambul. Sakarya University has been conducting significant research activities in Turanic studies. In his lecture, Gábor Vona pointed out that he had come to Turkey in order to discuss the future of Turkish-Hungarian friendship and the opportunities lying therein.

Vona also mentioned that “some European countries and especially the nations of Asia still preserve a lot of the universal human traditions. This universal value base must be adjusted to and harmonized with the challenges of our age so that the power of the past and the challenges of the future create synergies instead of tensions.

In order to build up such a value system and strategy we need to be able to integrate the essence of the European as well as the Asian mentality. The practical European and the profound Eastern approach need to shape us together. I can see three nations, countries that may be able to do so. The two great powers of Eurasia, Russia and Turkey, and my own homeland, Hungary. These three nations are European and Asian at the same time, due to their history, fate and disposition. These nations are destined to present the Eurasian alternative.”

Regarding Turkish-Hungarian relations, Jobbik’s president pointed out that we were brotherly nations and neither religious nor earlier historical oppositions can dissuade any of us from this idea. In the future, Turkey must be the country with which we need to have more than just closer diplomatic or business relations:

‘I did not come here to improve temporal diplomatic and business relations, other people will do so; I came here to meet my brothers and sisters, to offer a brotherly alliance and to bring you the message: Hungarians are awakening! This is our common mission and the universal task of Turanism: to build a bridge between East and West, Muslim and Christian and struggle together for a better world. We must show that Christians and Muslims are not enemies but brothers. Perhaps none else than us Hungarians and Turks are able to do that; but we are, because we are connected by our common blood.’

Source: Jobbik.com