Leaked Immigrant Rape Class Final Exam

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 30, 2015

Actual results may vary.
Actual results may vary.

As we reported yesterday, Denmark will be giving classes to new immigrant males to teach them not to rape women. As it turns out, most of these rapes are due to them not knowing they aren’t supposed to rape women.

Many of the racist commenters on yesterday’s article were like “wtf are you serious why would you bring people into your country that are so primitive you have to tell them not to rape women on the streets?”

Contrary to the claims of racists, people are not born knowing they aren't supposed to rape women.
Contrary to the claims of racists, people are not born knowing they aren’t supposed to rape women.

That, of course, is pure hatred. In reality, all White people would be out raping women on the streets if no one had ever been like “hey, you’re not supposed to do that, guy.” We know that all White men would be doing this, because race doesn’t exist so necessarily all Black behavior is also shared by Whites somehow.

We have a real treat for you today – just to see how effective and brilliant this course seriously is, here is copy of the final exam the immigrants must pass in order to get a certificate that says they’re not a rapist.

Test provided by Daily Stormer source in the Danish government. Immigrants must score at least 60% to pass.

Final Exam Immigrant Rape Course

If you see a woman walking on the street in a short skirt you should:

A) rape her
B) punch her
C) urinate on her
D) do nothing

If you see a woman walking into a bathroom you should:

A) follow her in and rape her
B) smash her head against the wall
C) stab her
D) do nothing

If you speak to a woman and she begins to panic you should:

A) choke her to death
B) rape her
C) throw her on the ground and start kicking her in the stomach
D) do nothing

If you see a small boy at the public pool you should:

A) attack him
B) rape him
C) spit on him
D) do nothing

If you see a woman dancing you should:

A) rape her
B) squeeze her breasts
C) pull out your penis and begin masturbating in front of her
D) do nothing

If you see an old woman walking on the street you should:

A) rob her
B) rape and kill her
C) both A and B
D) do nothing

If you see a female child playing on a playground, you should:

A) rape her on the spot
B) kidnap and rape her
C) stalk and murder her
D) do nothing

If you have an uncontrollable sex urge you should:

A) offer a woman on the street money for sex
B) rape a woman
C) rape a little boy
D) masturbate

If you see a woman who is not a Moslem you should:

A) cut her head off with a knife
B) rape her
C) push her down stairs
D) do nothing

If see a family having a picnic in the park, you should:

A) kill them all
B) kill the men first, rape the women, then kill the women
C) rape every family member
D) do nothing


Whereas many European want to simply whine about “oh no our women are getting raped,” the Danes are stepping up, becoming pro-active and taking responsibility for the actions of these immigrants.

Because the first step in making sure that these immigrants start behaving in a normal way is to accept the fact that it is White people’s fault they aren’t already doing that.