Lebanon’s Exploding Pagers: Source Claims Mossad Planted Explosives in Taiwan-Made Pagers [UPDATE: Taiwan Blames Hungary!]


Gold Apollo, the Taiwanese company contracted to make these pagers, is blaming the Hungarians, saying that the pagers were actually manufactured in Hungary.

It’s not clear if this is indeed the case or not. The Taiwanese terrorist bastards may have simply made this up. It’s unclear why someone would want to license the name “Gold Apollo,” given that no one had ever heard of that before yesterday. Regardless, the Taiwanese must be held accountable for this massive terrorist attack, as it was their company that approved and contracted the delivery of these exploding pagers.

The world must move to boycott, divest, and sanction the terroristic fake country Taiwan, and insist that anything produced on the island must be produced with full oversight by the proper Chinese authorities in Beijing. Further, the world must move to demand that the reunification of Taiwan with the Mainland take place rapidly, as we must prevent further terrorism by the diabolical rebels in Taiwan.

Original article follows.

Previously: Lebanon: Pagers Apparently Exploding and Blowing Pieces Off of People

Yesterday’s exploding pager event in Lebanon was one of the strangest occurrences in recent memory, and brought many concerns about what this event means for the future of consumer electronics.

To give the background, as we are aware of it:

  • Hezbollah learned that Israel had hacked its telecommunications systems, and found that there was no way to transmit securely on a cellphone
  • They figured out a way to encrypt communications on pagers
  • While many Hezbollah agents were using old pagers from the early 2000s, some got new pagers from Taiwan
  • In the afternoon on September 17th, all of the new pagers began exploding, blowing holes in people’s bodies, blowing off fingers, etc.

It was unclear how the Jews were able to trigger the explosions, and many assumed it was some kind of hack where the Jews were able to overcharge the batteries of the pagers and cause them to explode. However, experts began to dismiss this theory, saying that a small lithium battery could not cause this kind of explosion, and any explosion of a battery would cause the pagers to get noticeably hot before they blew up.

It was determined that the pagers had to have had explosives planted in them.


Israel’s Mossad spy agency planted a small amount of explosives inside 5000 Taiwan-made pagers ordered by Lebanese group Hezbollah months before Tuesday’s detonations, a senior Lebanese security source and another source told Reuters.

The details shed light on an unprecedented Hezbollah security breach that saw thousands of pagers detonate across Lebanon, killing nine people and wounding nearly 3,000 others, including the group’s fighters and Iran’s envoy to Beirut.

The senior Lebanese security source said the group had ordered 5,000 beepers made by Taiwan-based Gold Apollo, which several sources say were brought into the country in the spring.

The senior Lebanese security source identified a photograph of the model of the pager, an AP924, which like other pagers wirelessly receive and display text messages but cannot make telephone calls.

Hezbollah fighters have been using pagers as a low-tech means of communication in an attempt to evade Israeli location-tracking, two sources familiar with the group’s operations told Reuters this year.

But the senior Lebanese source said the devices had been modified by Israel’s spy service “at the production level.”

The Mossad injected a board inside of the device that has explosive material that receives a code. It’s very hard to detect it through any means. Even with any device or scanner,” the source said.

This has not been confirmed by anyone else, but it seems to line up with exactly what the experts are saying and what we witnessed yesterday.

It is not feasible that this could have taken place without the authorities in Taiwan being aware of it. No doubt the Taiwanese wanted the support of the terrorist Jews in their terroristic rebellion against the proper authorities in China.

It seems that it would be time for Lebanon to summon whatever “authorities” exist in the fake country of Taiwan to explain why it is they allow the Mossad to come into their country and modify electronics to cause them to explode.

We also have to wonder if the Jews are doing this to any other products made in Taiwan, and I think it is only logical that no one should ever buy anything from Taiwan again, until the reunification, when the Beijing authorities can confirm that consumer electronics from the island are not laced with Jewish explosives.

If it’s true that the Jews did not hack the pagers and cause the batteries to explode, that is some consolation to those who fear the Jews may wish to blow up their cellphones. If this had been a hack, that would have meant that anyone the Jews don’t like could end up with their fingers blown off or a hole blown in the side of their body.

Still, if the rebel “government” in Taiwan is allowing this sort of thing to occur, then obviously no one should purchase anything made in Taiwan.

The obvious problem there is that Nvidia, which has become the most important electronics manufacturer in the world, has its manufacturing in Taiwan. This incident should absolutely result in the entire world calling for those manufacturing FABs to be moved to mainland China, where the Beijing authorities can confirm that Jews are not implanting Nvidia chips with explosives.

The fact that Taiwan allowed this to happen means that this is no longer a safe country for electronics production.

Taiwan is a fake country and it is now directly responsible for one of the most grotesque terrorist attacks in recent memory. By allowing the Jews to put explosives in these pagers, the terrorist base of Taiwan put at risk the lives of untold numbers of women and children, apparently for the sole purpose of gaining favor with the Jews.

Taiwan must become a pariah state, given that in one day, they became one of the leading purveyors of global terrorism.