Leftist Greek Politician Accuses PM of Involvement in Jewish Conspiracy

Daily Stormer
February 6, 2014

PM Samaras shakes hands happily with the evil King of the Jews.
PM Samaras shakes hands happily with the evil King of the Jews.

In Greece, like in other Balkan nations, virtually everyone hates the Jews.  Thus it is incredibly frustrating that anyone would oppose the Golden Dawn, given that they are so pro-worker and anti-establishment.

Recently, Theodoros Karypidis, a representative of the leftist Syriza party running for a mayoral position in Macedonia, came out and accused the Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, of being at the head of a Jewish conspiracy to bring “a new Hanukkah against the Greeks.”  The statement was posted on Facebook.

Theodoros Karypidis
Theodoros Karypidis

From the Times of Israel:

At the heart of Karypidis’ theory was a move last year by Samaras to shut the allegedly corrupt Hellenic Broadcasting Authority and replace it with the New Hellenic Radio and Television, known by its Greek acronym NERIT.

According to Karypidis, NERIT is derived from the Hebrew word for candle, “ner,” which he links to the festival of Hanukkah.

“Samaras is lighting the candles in the seven branched candelabra of the Jews and lighting Greece on fire after his visit to the Thessaloniki Synagogue,” wrote Karypidis. “He is organizing a new Hanukkah against the Greeks.”

Samaras visited the synagogue as part of the commemorations marking the destruction of the Jewish community of Thessaloniki by the Nazis.

A spokesman for Samaras condemned the comments as “unacceptable, racist and anti-Semitic.”

Syriza, the second-largest party in Greece, was due to meet Thursday to discuss the issue, the Kathimerini daily newspaper reported.

In Greece, a similar process as that which happened in Weimar Germany has begun, with many switching over from a left position to that of the Golden Dawn, as they realize that this is the party with the force of will and ideological strength to truly liberate the people from oppression.