Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 29, 2014

After TMZ discovered that a restaurant named after Hulk Hogan had a dress code prohibiting patrons from dressing like criminal thugs, the Poe’s Law liberal/feminist website Jezebel picked up on it and the full-force of internet liberalism was brought down upon the aged former pro-wrestler.
The dress code of “Hogan’s Beach,” which is in Miami, did not, in fact, target Black – it simply targeted street thugs. Just as Abe Foxman has explained that Hollywood is not Jewish, it is just almost entirely run by individuals who happen to be Jewish, street thuggery is not a Black thing, it is just that the vast majority of individuals involved in it happen to be of African descent.

The dress code is completely standard for anywhere that gets rushed by Blacks, TMZ was just trying to create drama at the expense of a washed-up celebrity. Everyone knows that yes, it is designed to keep Blacks out, but everyone also knows that if Blacks are allowed inside a nighttime venue, they create utter chaos. They chase away all of the women, harassing them, they threaten and intimidate White males, they engage in acts of violence. They also don’t tend to spend very much.
So, the pattern is, Blacks find a place they like where they can harass White women, they all move in and turn it into a Black spot, the White women all stop coming because if they wanted to be harassed by Blacks they would have went to a Black bar, the business collapses because the Black clientèle which has taken over the establishment doesn’t actually have any money to spend there.
The “dress code loophole” for keeping Black gang-members out of bars should be seen as reasonable by all. It clearly allows for Blacks who don’t dress like thugs to come in. By attacking this as “racist,” all these liberals are doing is admitting that Black culture = criminal/gang culture.
Hogan, when confronted by the liberal masses, called up the restaurant – which he doesn’t even own, just licenses his name to – and asked them to remove the dress code. The restaurant obliged, and it is now surely doomed to be overrun by Black thugs who will quickly collapse the business.
But that is the way civil rights work, goyim.