Leftists Claim Marseille Attack was About “Patriarchy” Not Jihad

Diversity Macht Frei
October 5, 2017

After the recent slaying of two women in Marseille by a Muslim illegal immigrant, leftists and brown people in France have been trying to spin it as a case of sexism and not jihad.

Here’s one example:


When a martyr cuts the throat of one woman and stabs another that creates some noise. Terrorism, blood, civilisation, bla bla bla… By contrast we hear much less from your big mouth about the patriarchal terrorism that is killing us every 2 days.

Note her description of the murderer as a “martyr”. This woman, incidentally, works for the city council of La Courneuve. Following a fuss over her remarks, however, she has now been suspended and disciplinary proceedings have been launched against her.

After the suspension she said this on Facebook:

Despite popular beliefs, suicide attacks are not linked to Islamic fundamentalism, nor to religion in general (see fascist nationalist movements, etc.)

But she’s not the only one to have engaged in jihad denial by pushing feminism as the interpretive frame for the Marseille attack.

Marie-Cécile Naves

Sociologist Marie-Cécile Naves said this:

“Whatever the form of terrorism, the question is that of gender. It is a problem of patriarchy.”

“We need to use social sciences, use gender studies to question the relationship men have with the patriarchy, with hegemonic masculinity…There is a problem with the domain of dominant virility.”
