Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 22, 2014

What we hear about constantly in the media is a back and forth between Republicans and Democrats about the benefits or lack thereof of “illegal immigration.” Or, we were hearing that, now we are mainly hearing Republicans and democrats arguing over who will do the best job at giving Mexicans total citizenship and free everything.
What we do not hear about is the number of these people that are invading this country “legally.” In fact, those opposed to “illegal” immigration will often argue in favor of “legal” immigration.
The fact is, “legal” immigration is a much bigger and more serious problem than “illegal” immigration. The government is openly allowing millions upon millions of savage non-Whites to invade, and then simply refusing to talk about it, as if there is no need for debate, because this invasion has been authorized by law.
Of course, in this greatest of democracies, we were never offered a chance to vote on it. It was apparently merely assumed that we would love to have all of these lesser-evolved beings occupying our country, committing all types of violent and non-violent crime, stealing our resources, taking jobs from the indigenous people of this country and breaking down our social cohesiveness.
Enough is enough. The problem of all immigration needs to be directly and openly addressed. No more of this syphoning off of dissent into the socially appropriate topic of “illegal” immigration. The “legal” immigrants should feel just as unwelcome in the United States as the “illegal” ones, and they should be dealt with in the same way:
The must be sent home.