Legal Migrants Helping Calais Invaders

The New Observer
May 9, 2016

Legally resident nonwhite “immigrants” in Britain are “deeply involved in cross-Channel migrant smuggling,” a French prosecutor has revealed.

This fact emerged in the wake of this week’s dramatic shootout on the French-Belgian border in which a UK-registered vehicle full of Iraqi Kurds was stopped by police.



Amélie Le Sant, Dunkirk’s public prosecutor, told media that “all investigations [into invader smuggling gangs], including this one, lead to the UK.”

Le Sant is currently investigating 15 trafficking cases involving UK-registered vehicles.

The shootout, which took place on Thursday, started when police were called to a truck stop near the Channel Tunnel after a truck driver reported that he had been threatened with a knife after discovering 17 nonwhite invaders hidden in his cargo.

Upon arriving at the scene, the Belgian police vehicle was rammed by a British-registered Audi containing four Iraqi Kurds—all legal residents of the UK.

The nonwhite criminals then raced away, but were followed in a high-speed motorway pursuit in which an innocent motorcyclist was killed.

The Audi was hit with at least 15 bullets as it fled police at speeds of up to 125mph across the Belgian-French border. During the chase, in which the suspects weaved in and out of traffic, a string of other accidents were caused. One involved a motorcyclist who died after losing control of his bike and hitting a truck.

At one point during the pursuit with the Audi, it became so badly damaged that it was reduced to driving on its wheel rims.

Belgian police said they opened fire on the suspects’ car in a bid to force it to halt, but it is understood that two of the occupants suffered bullet wounds and had to be airlifted to a hospital in the nearby city of Lille.



“There is always someone in Britain, a UK national or otherwise, who receives either money or migrants or has links with transport companies to arrange for drivers to smuggle people through,” Le Sant said.

“The British nationals tend to come over every now and again to deliver cars bought in the UK—usually flashy Mercedes or BMWs—as well as money or to carry out a ‘guaranteed’ service in which they deliver migrants to a willing lorry driver paid to stow them away. Then they usually go back alone on the train.”

She added: “Today there are 15 vehicles with British number plates cited in ongoing investigations that I am following, and these are used by people smugglers to take migrants to the UK.”

British-based trafficking operatives act as “bankers” or “guarantors” for migrants, receiving their transport “fees” either directly in the UK or via Iraq, she said.

They also wire money via Western Union to northern France for local smugglers to rent hotel rooms or pay drivers.

Most of the local smugglers operating near Dunkirk, many of them based at the Grande-Synthe migrant camp, are Kurds either with family in Britain, or people under orders from bosses in the UK, she said.

Despite French claims that virtually no migrants are now getting through to the UK, she said that smugglers were bringing “dozens across per week, sometimes per day,” raking up hundreds of thousands of pounds in profit.

In one court case in Dunkirk on Friday last week, it was revealed that a single trafficker had taken $1 million (£700,000) in earnings.

During Friday’s court case against two Kurdish smugglers, the presiding judge said that in the ten months leading to this February, smugglers received almost €318,000 in cash via Western Union in 150 operations—mainly sent from Britain.

“These smugglers make huge amounts of money. Passage to England without guarantee, in other words without the driver’s complicity, is £5,000 per person,” said Le Sant. “A ‘guaranteed’ trip usually costs migrants between £9,000 and £12,000.”

Britain’s National Crime Agency (NCA) has warned that “British” crime gangs—actually nonwhites from the Middle East—are behind the cross-Channel people smuggling trade.

Last month, the NCA said they were investigating a growing number of people smuggling gangs involved in bringing the invaders into Britain, with up to 60 lines of inquiry open at any one time.

An officer was quoted as saying that the crime groups usually involved Iranians, Chinese, Iraqis, Kurds, and Syrians.

The officer added: “UK based groups are often naturalized UK citizens, who find customers at transit hubs on the continent and advertise on social media.”

The incident—and the existence of the legally-resident nonwhite criminals in Britain—illustrates once again the real threat posed by legal nonwhite immigration into Europe, which brings with it nothing but the Third World’s endemic crime, chaos, and backwardness.