Lend a Helping Hand to The Daily Stormer!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 24, 2016


I don’t mention it very often, because it isn’t something that’s on my mind very often, but this is a 100% reader-funded site, and we depend on you to keep it running.

We have no advertisements, no subscriptions, or anything like this. I wish we had something like this, but right now – and for the foreseeable future – we do not. I’m trying to get things monetized, but the fact of the situation is I work so much keeping the site running, I just don’t have time.

Regrettably, donations are currently the only way to keep this site running.


If you care about the site, please consider contributing.

Every little bit helps.

We have bitcoin:


Cash (of any currency) or a check (or a money order, or whatever) can go to this address:

Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio

And you can in fact use a credit card through Google Wallet.

This is really simple, I promise. Takes just a couple minutes.

My Google wallet address is: andrewanglin84@gmail.com

Brief Google Wallet Instructions

It’s incredibly easy to set up. Takes 3 minutes. You just go to Google Wallet, log in with your gmail (or make a new account), confirm your identity and add a credit card. It’s a lot easier than PayPal, and seeing as how they don’t charge fees, it’s unclear why it hasn’t overtaken PayPal. I know Google is Jewish as well, but I don’t hate anything more than PayPal.

Here are the full instructions from Google on how to send the money once your account is set up:


I’d really like to hire employees and kick things up a notch, but that just isn’t currently possible, despite the fact that this site is getting 2.5-3 million unique visitors a month. Because there just isn’t any money at all.

The situation is actually totally ridiculous.

But it is what it is.

I count on all of you.

We’re all in this together.

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Hail Victory.