Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 3, 2014

The first Negress student president at an exclusive New Jersey prep school has been forced to resign for posting photos online mocking “right white guy” classmates.
The 17-year-old black pervert Maya Peterson claimed that she was attacking “confederate-flag-hanging” students when she posed in a Yale sweatshirt and LL Bean duck boots, holding a hockey stick.
There is no evidence that any of the White students at the school hang confederate flags, but there is serious evidence that it is real in her mind.

Blacks are always jealous of Whites, because we are better than them. They then channel this into fantasies about how we are against them for no reason, in order to justify their jealousy.
It was the Jew who taught them this technique. It is now so ingrained in their collective psyche that they are incapable of looking at the world in any other way.
She dubbed the photos “Lawrenceville boi’’ — and included the hashtags “#romney2016,” “#confederate” and “#peakedinhighschool.”
“I understand why I hurt people’s feelings, but I didn’t become president to make sure rich white guys had more representation on campus,’’ Peterson, told the Web site Buzzfeed.
“Let’s be honest. They’re not the ones that feel uncomfortable here.”
The Paramus, NJ, native stepped down as student president in March, after administrators gave her an ultimatum: either resign or face disciplinary action.
The institution is the most expensive high school in the country, with students paying $53,000 in annual tuition.
Lawrenceville’s alums include former Disney CEO Michael Eisner and media titans Malcolm Forbes and Randolph Hearst.
Peterson still graduated in June and is set to go to tony Wesleyan University in Connecticut, a former classmate told The Post.
Peterson was unable to be reached for comment.
The dread-locked lesbian student had previously posed for her senior picture with 10 black friends — all of them raising their fists in the “Black Power’’ salute.
“Yes, I am making a mockery of the right-wing, confederate-flag-hanging, openly misogynistic Lawrentians,’’ Peterson said at the time.
“If that’s a large portion of the school’s male population, then I think the issue is not with my bringing attention to it in a lighthearted way, but rather why no one has brought attention to it before.’’
She also had allegedly been caught smoking pot and skipping classes.
Hardly fair to say that straight White men don’t feel uncomfortable around aggressive black lesbians I think, Maya. Though surely, no one would doubt you feel uncomfortable around them as well.
You know where you would feel really comfortable though Maya?