Level 20 Necromancer/Priest Nigger Casts “Decrepify” on Trash Mob Niggers; Gets Arrested by Niggerian Police

Octavio Rivera
Daily Stormer
August 23, 2018


It wasn’t enough with homo priests?

Nigger priests now? And they’re casting curses?

Yeah, no.

Where’s the Inquisition when you need it?

BBC News:

A 94-year-old traditional priest has been arrested in Nigeria after cursing the alleged perpetrators of a recent spate of violence.

Anazo Ilomuanya was hired by a group of youths attempting to end killings affecting Ozubulu town, in the south-east of the country, police say.

94 years old? That’s plenty of time to level up.

This sounds like a very powerful priest. Especially considering how good Africa is for grinding.

Elephant Sorcerer about to cast Inferno on a Hell Swarm.

There are Uruk-hai there.

Plenty of trash mobs with dumb AI you can exploit too.

That’s somewhat impressive news too, a nigger in Africa living up to 94 years old? Are they for real? That’s likely to be unprecedented… or something.

Aren’t they supposed to like die off at 40?

Why are they still receiving gibs if they can live so many years?

They appear to be doing pretty well, or at least well enough for us to stop wasting money on them. What’s even the argument here? That we should continue to send money gibs to Africa until they’re richer than us? They have low stress since they don’t do anything, they eat natural food (if they eat any food) and they have no reason to die young, unless they get killed by Ebola-chan or by other niggers.

That’s not our problem, but… still. They should be let alone.

Also… why are they putting that old nigger in jail, instead of putting it in a museum?

“The youths of the town, under the name of Concerned Indigenous People of Ozubulu in seeking a means to end the killings, consulted the traditional priest to lay curses on the people involved,” police spokesperson Haruna Muhammed told BBC Igbo.

But others in the town were unhappy and reported the priest and the youths to the police, Mr Muhammed added.

Those arrested are due to appear in court, but it is unclear what they will be charged with as it is not a crime to lay a curse on someone under Nigerian law.

Of course it isn’t… yet.

See how that is worded?

“Not a crime to lay a curse.”

Come on now.

Lay curses? They mean saying something mean.

Are they going to prove that curses exist, that curses can be laid by niggers, and that this particular nigger did that?

Of course they won’t. So a nigger saying “something something curse something” is not laying a curse, it is just a nigger speaking.

It’s just speech.


Not to niggers.

Inside Higher Ed:

Differences emerge with race, too. White students tended to value free speech more — 52 percent compared to 47 percent who picked diversity and inclusion. About 68 percent of black students, meanwhile, said diversity was more important compared to 31 percent for free speech.

Stefan Molymeme covers this with more depth here:

Who would have thought that the people who originated freedom of speech would be the ones defending it?

Niggers can’t really wrap their heads around the concept of free speech because they’re not equiped for such abstractions. That’s why they get scared when some old nigger says they’re now cursed. For them, words are not something you should be allowed to pronounce freely.

Especially when they don’t like those words.

But that’s the thing about freedom of speech. It’s supposed to defend the speech that is not liked, otherwise, it shouldn’t need defending because… everyone likes it. You understand this, because you’re white.

Niggers are convinced you can harm them by making sounds with your mouth. Couple that with the fact that they just can’t understand concepts beyond their capacity of abstraction such as freedom of speech, and you have yet more proof they’re not fit for civilization. But of course, you already understand this too, because you’re white and a neon-notsee.

Is anyone really surprised that the creatures that didn’t invent civilization are the least fit for it?

They just straight up arrested a nigger for something he said, and somehow these creatures are supposed to “enrich” Europe and the rest of the West? Somehow they’re contributing something to America?

Try to think of something that’s better because of niggers.

Something that niggers make better?

Something that is better when niggers are around?



They’re just getting Gibs from us, and we get nothing from them other than resentment and violence.

We don’t even get slave labor from them anymore.

We don’t even need it.

So what are they good for, really?