Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 27, 2015

These people are just openly lying to you when they claim that “immigrants commit less crime.” You can tell it is obviously a lie, but then they go so far as to cite fake statistics, and you get confused, because we are taught to believe statistics are always true – “because math.”
Thankfully, one of their own new studies disproves their own hoax.
A report issued by the liberal Migration Policy Institute (MPI) further shreds Chuck Todd’s assertion on NBC’s “Meet The Press” last Sunday that he and his staff, “couldn’t find a single study that links violent crime and immigration.”
Tucked inside a report about President Obama’s new amnesty is the estimation from this liberal think tank there are 820,000 illegal aliens in the United States with criminal convictions, including 690,000 illegal aliens currently residing on U.S. soil who have been convicted of a felony or “serious” misdemeanor.
The 820,000 figure is not an estimation of total crimes committed by illegal immigrants—which would be a much higher number—but only those illegal aliens successfully identified, arrested, tried, and convicted.
Combined with other statistical data points, however, the 820,000 figure gives us a way to examine the scope of total illegal alien crime. Even conservative assumptions produce harrowing conclusions, and demonstrate that there are likely millions of American victims of illegal alien predators.
First, the appendix in MPI’s report explains that it reached the 820,000 figure by “assuming unauthorized immigrants and lawful noncitizen immigrants commit crimes at the same rates.” While millions of Americans have been victimized by aliens with visas—the U.S. issues the majority of its visas to either unstable, poor, or violent countries.
MPI’s assumption is still overly-generous. The mere fact that illegal aliens are more likely to be young and male than aliens in general makes the assumption flawed. The true population of criminally-convicted illegals is almost certainly quite a bit higher.
But this still provides only a fractional snapshot of the total population of criminal illegal aliens. MPI’s estimation covers only those individuals caught, arrested, tried and convicted. But millions of crimes are committed that never result in a conviction.
We need to get these people out!
What’s more, we need to get all of these sickening filthy Moslem “asylum seekers” out, along with the Paki IT stink weasels.
Right now, Anne Coulter is the only figure in the media talking about the biggest threat, which is “legal” immigration. Jeff Sessions is also talking about it, but he isn’t really a media figure.
The Donald has done an excellent job taking on the illegal immigration issue. He has made it a nationwide discussion. But it is now time he teamed up with Coulter and took on the legal immigration issue.
The fact is, in the minds of the masses, there isn’t any difference between “illegal” and “legal” immigration, and most of them probably aren’t even aware that when we talk about “illegal” immigration we aren’t talking about the millions of savages from Africa, the Middle East and West Asia which are flooding our towns and cities.
All it takes is for someone to make the issue public, to open up the discussion. And I believe the Donald is the man for the job.