Daily Slave
August 29, 2014

The Blacks that run the Liberian government are so incompetent that they can’t even manage to properly dispose of dead bodies rotting in the streets. Many of these bodies are the remains of people who have died from Ebola.
Now, there are reports of dogs eating the remains of the victims. It sounds like a scene out of some weird horror film, only it is really happening in Liberia.
Dogs in one community in Liberia are reportedly eating the remains of dead Ebola victims lying on the streets.
The New Dawn reports that the Liberian government buried bodies of those suspected to have died from Ebola a few weeks ago in Johnsonville Township, outside of Monrovia. A number of dogs were reportedly seen pulling the bodies out of the graves and eating the remains.
Alfred Wiah tells The New Dawn that the government’s Health Ministry was called about the incident but that officials did not do anything about it.
“We are very disappointed in the Health Ministry, especially the government that took an oath to defend and protect us. To see them act in such manner is unacceptable and we’ll never allow the government come to bury any longer,” Wiah told The New Dawn. “They will be resisted by us because I think the government has failed to protect us. Why bring Ebola bodies and not bury them well?”
Dr. Stephen Korsman of the University of Cape Town’s medical virology division tells News 24 that dogs can be infected with the Ebola virus but that “infections appear to be asymptomatic.”
“This means that dogs won’t get sick, but they still could carry a potential risk through licking or biting,” Korsman explained to News 24.