Daily Stormer
February 17, 2014

We have previously reported on Rand Paul’s pointless efforts to revive crime-ridden black neighborhoods through lower business taxes. This idiot Jew-tool is now pushing more of the same libertarian nonsense, claiming that reigning in “Big Government” will bring non-whites to the Republican party.
Republicans haven’t gone to African-Americans or to Hispanics and said, ‘You know what? The war on drugs, Big Government, has had a racial outcome. It’s disproportionately affected the poor and the black and the brown,’
That’s right, the war on drugs is part of Big Government–the libertarian bogeyman–so therefore getting rid of Big Government will end the war on drugs, and grateful blacks will flock to the Republican party.

There are at least two major flaws with Paul’s plan.
First of all, the Senator seems to have forgotten that blacks do not vote based on Rothbardian economics. They vote purely based on “gibs me dat”. The party that offers them more free money will win their support every time, even if it is not to their long-term advantage.
Second, contrary to the belief held by the far Left (and apparently by libertarians as well), black failure is not due to oppression, either at the hands of capitalism or Big Government. It is due to pure, unadulterated blackness. Wherever blacks live, the same crime, violence and destruction are found. They take their misery with them, it is not imposed upon them by us.
Until Whites realize this simple fact, we will continue to sacrifice our wealth and the lives of our kinsmen in a fruitless effort to raise the Negro to our level.