Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 4, 2015
Another man has joined in the Sargon of Akkad dramafest! Libertarian Realist – an excellent YouTuber who I like a lot and whose videos I often post here – has made a video responding to Sargon’s second response to me.
Note: I have not yet responded to the second response.
I’m gonna go ahead and go over the situation as it has played out, and give an idea how it is going to go.
I have recently been trying to become more aware of what is going on on YouTube. I previously hadn’t watched it much, as I prefer to read than watch my materials, but see that video is the next logical expansion of the Daily Stormer, and wanted to see what right-wingy YouTubers were doing.
I found Sargon of Akkad to be a bit pretentious, but also very funny. I binged watched a bunch of his anti-feminist videos while doing other things over a course of a few days, posted a couple here on the site even, and subscribed to his channel.
Divine providence – right after I subscribed, Sargon did a video on Rotherham, wherein he stated that the issue with the mass child rapes was British political correctness, and not race or even Islam as an ideology.
I wrote an article responding to the video, calling Sargon out for his implicit support of child rape manifested for his refusal to address the Pakistani rape gangs as a racial (or even religious) problem.
Sargon made a video responding to me very rudely (not sure why it needed to be done this way, I guess it is just his style). In the video, he pushed many SJW positions, including “race is a social construct.”
I then wrote a long article responding to him.
He then commented on the article, saying he wouldn’t respond to it.
I then made a video (my first YouTube edited compilation video!), wherein I made some but not all of the points I made in the article.
At the same time I was working on my video (it took a while), Sargon was responding to my second article, apparently having changed his mind from the time he wrote the comment saying he wouldn’t respond again. This is the video, response to me begins at 33 minutes.
Very few of my points were addressed. Notably, he didn’t apologize to the Serbs for wrongly accusing them of sex trafficking, he did not say whether or not he believes dog breeds exist and he did not comment at all on the historical basis of modern anthropological arguments about the nature of race, which I covered in detail in the article, extensively documenting that Darwinian conceptions of race were overridden by Jews in the “social sciences” (not actual sciences), and enforced through the same channels as feminism was enforced.
This is where we are now.
I have been meaning to respond to this second response, but want to do it in video form, and have not yet gotten a new mic.
The Sargon drama is having ripple effects all through the reactionary internet. Currently, there is a rising tide of racism in the manosphere, which I discussed in detail in my response to the Persian “pick-up artist” guru Roosh after he wrote an article claiming that race differences don’t matter.
As we have been keeping up with on the site, Stephan Molyneux has been getting more and more racial in speech. Alex Jones is being forced to address the war on Whites, walking a tight-rope as he attempts to maintain his libertarian egalitarianism (not an oxymoron, apparently). Even Fox News is running segments about “White privilege” attacks on the White race.
The winds of change are blowing through these tubes. Anyone who is willing to look at any aspect of the system and attempt to deconstruct it enters a rabbit hole that is more and more quickly leading to the reality that everything we care about in the White world (sans tacos, burritos, etc.) is definitively White in nature, and that this invasion is an attack on everything we are as a people. The lie that these people would adopt our culture as they invaded and conquered our countries is no longer working for anyone who is even just a little bit aware of what is going on.
Everything is changing and divergent groups are all coming to the same bottom line: our race is under attack, and if we don’t fight back, it will die.
By the time next year, the internet is going to be a vastly different place than it is now.
There are, of course, going to be people unwilling to break with all of their programming, trying to keep one foot in the Matrix while questioning certain aspects of it. It appears that Sargon of Akkad is one such person, and is thus going to be a causality of these changes.
Sargon already looks ridiculous. But in a short time, he will be seen as what he really is: a traitor, selling out his own people due to an emotional incapacity to confront hard realities.
Or maybe he’ll come around. I don’t know. It is very regrettable that he had to be so pretentious and rude in his responses to me, and I regret having not tried harder to leave him some room.
One thing is certain: there is no middle ground.
I don’t care if you’re a libertarian, a conspiracy theorist, a men’s rights activist, a Republican or a harcore Nazi:
If you are White, you are responsible for fighting for the survival of our race.
It is your duty to fight.
It is us vs. them, and you are either with us, or you’re against us.
Hail Victory.