Libya: Gaddafi’s Son Released by Terrorist Militia

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 11, 2017

A weird move by the US-backed terrorist “militia.”


Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has been released from prison, according to the militia that has held him for five years.

Gaddafi was reportedly freed by the Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Battalion militia, which controls the area of Zintan, southwest of the capital of Tripoli.

Gaddafi was captured in Zintan in November 2011, a month after his father was sodomized and killed by rebels.

Gaddafi’s son had been attempting to flee to Niger at the time of his capture. He was sentenced to death in 2015 during a mass trial of former Gaddafi officials in Tripoli.

The Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Battalion released a statement saying he was freed on Friday.

“The citizen Saif al-Islam Muammar al-Qadafi was released in accordance with the law of the General Afwa issued by parliament, the only legitimate authority in the country,” the statement reads.

The Libya Herald reports the release was in response to the Tobruk-based House of Representatives’ amnesty for political prisoners.

Saif al-Islam was the most prominent of Gaddafi’s eight children, al Jazeera reports. He studied at the London School of Economics. He is also wanted by the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity.

His current location is unknown.

Since the 2011 NATO intervention in the Libyan conflict, the resulting power vacuum has seen the country descend into chaos with competing groups vying for control.

There are currently several centers of power in Libya, with the the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli and the one in Tobruk toward the east of the country, being the most prominent.

I have no idea what’s going on here.

I do a lot of research and can’t keep up with everything.

But clearly, they would have just killed him unless they were being pressured or bribed by someone other than the West. I actually thought he had been killed.

The last thing any of these people want is a potential heir to the throne running around.

Gaddafi was loved by his people, and ran basically the only functional Sunni state in the Arab world.

Sort of like Dutere – though he was brown, he was pretty much representative of all the things we like.

The migrant crisis right now is a result of the destruction of Libya by NATO in 2011 under advisement of Hillary Clinton. They allegedly destroyed the entire country because people were protesting. It was a really, really weird thing.

They were just like “oh, there are peaceful people protesting [referring to terrorists they’d funded to invade the country] – let’s bomb them and totally destroy everything completely.”

Obviously, this is just Israeli policy in action. They are threatened by any strong Arab or otherwise Moslem leader who they fear could reignite Arab nationalism. Gaddafi was a pan-Arab believer, same as Saddam and Assad.

Remember, it’s only since WWI that the Arab world has been partitioned into these different nations. So like everything else, it’s a very modern phenomenon, and just like we are trying to reverse modern phenomenons in our own countries, a lot of intelligent Arabs are trying to reverse that modern phenomenon. But it would necessarily mean an end to Israel – not even 1967 borders.

They would just be pushed into the sea, where they belong.