Libyan Soldiers Raped Man in Park After Preying on Him Like a Pack of Dogs

May 9, 2015

A Libyan soldier, part of the platoon of rape monkeys recently evicted from Britain.

Moktar Ali Saad Mahmoud, 33, and Ibrahim Abugtila, 23, raped the man at a park in Cambridge, a court heard.

They had been training at Bassingbourn Barracks as part of a programme by the UK government to assist war-torn Libya.

Prosecutor John Farmer claimed that the pair met the man – a “complete stranger” who had left a wedding party – in the centre of Cambridge last October.

The alleged victim had drunk “a formidable amount of alcohol” at a wedding party and was led to Christ’s Pieces park by the defendants, Mr Farmer added.

The pair had been training at Bassingbourn Barracks, a court heard.

Mr Farmer said: “He was in no fit state one way or another to consent.

“They behaved like two hunting dogs who had seen a wounded animal.

“They effectively took him over and, initially not using too much force and later more forcefully, kept him going in the direction they wanted him to go.”

While in Britain, the monkeys went on a rampage of rape and plunder and their defence was that nobody told them they should not be doing that.

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