Life in 2016 Detroit, an 83 % Black City: Black Activist Group Confirms Every Negative Stereotype of Black People is True

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
April 23, 2016


As the civilization white people built – then abandoned when black crime made living in the city intolerable – crumbles courtesy of the new racial demographic in control of the city (blacks), a most revealing “code” has been issued to hopefully influence proper behavior in 83 percent black Detroit.  [New Era Detroit community activist group releases ‘Street Code’, Fox 2 Detroit, April 21, 2016]:

The community activist group New Era Detroit has released a Street Code that has many people talking.

Among 10 item list includes no drive-bys, adding that the shootings endanger the babies and children being killed and that all rapists and child molesters in the community must be turned in.

Also included is no shooting at concerts or parties which are neutral territories, respecting the elders, respect for people in general.

The list also promotes dealing directly with your enemy and nobody else, “no slinging to the children or pregnant women” and urges to not shoot any victims of a robbery.

The list is meant to “Enforce and Honor the Street Code, make our streets honorable, respected and true to the game.”  For more information about New Era Detroit and their programs and events, CLICK HERE.

The complete list:

1. No drive-bys. Too many black babies are being killed from random drive-bys. These random shootings already took the lives of several black babies. This must stop. There is nothing gangsta about babies and children being killed. Drive-by shootings from here on out will make you public enemy No. 1 throughout the entire city.

2. All rapist and child molesters in the community must be turned in and dealt with immediately. We cannot allow rapists in the community preying on our women. That can be your mother, sister or daughter. Sexual assault committed against our women and children will not be tolerated in our communities.

3. Concerts and parties are neutral territories: No shooting. Too often innocent people get killed at parties and not the actual target. Handle your beefs at your own risk in your own space.

4. Respect the elders, any harm or violence towards the elderly is a serious violation. Elders are harmless and defenseless; attacking them is the same as attacking a baby and will also result in you becoming public enemy No. 1 throughout the entire city.

5. Respect. If no one has done anything to you, show them the love and give them respect.

6. All beefs must be handled away from school grounds, churches and businesses. Once again it is imperative that we leave innocent people out of beefs.

7. Know who your enemy is, deal directly with them and nobody else.

8. No slinging to the children or pregnant women. That’s genocide on our people.

9. Do not shoot any victims of robbery. There is nothing more cowardly than robbing someone, getting what you want out of them then shooting them after you got what you wanted.

10. Enforce and honor the Street Code. Make our streets honorable, respected and true to the game.

This “street code” issued by black leaders to the majority black citizens of Detroit is precisely why white people long ago dared pass laws – Sundown laws, Jim Crow, restrictive covenants, etc. –  now derided as examples of white supremacy and racism.

In 2016, the “street code” issued by New Era Detroit is a reminder of black inferiority, which was present centuries ago and mandated responsible white men pass laws to protect their civilization (and posterity).