Life Sentence for Black Thug Who Murdered White Man Just Released on Bail

QC Times
June 18, 2014

Robby Ray Kohn was released from jail on bail and then two days later was shot in the head by a Black thug.

A Scott County judge sentenced Darius Johnson to life in prison Wednesday for the 2012 killing of Robby Ray Kohn.

Judge Paul Macek handed down the mandatory first-degree murder sentence. Johnson, 22, was found guilty by a Scott County jury in April.

Kohn’s body was found Dec. 6, 2012, in a field on the west end of Davenport. Three suspects initially were charged in the murder of Kohn. Barry Hamilton, 21, originally of Chicago, and Jessica Loerzel, 21, of Davenport pleaded to lesser charges in the case, leaving Johnson as the one accused of fatally shooting Kohn in the head.

Loerzel and Hamilton pleaded guilty in October to being accessories to a crime and were sentenced to five years probation. The first-degree murder charge against both was dismissed.

Johnson’s initial first-degree murder trial in January ended in a hung jury.

Darius D. Johnson was sentenced to life for the killing.