Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 27, 2015
Couldn't have pulled a better quote myself.
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 27, 2015
When the Jew ethnic activist Evan Osnos wrote his pretentious piece of crap for the New Yorker about how Trump supporters drink coffee from swastika mugs, it was obvious that the media would follow aggressively.
Today, the Daily Dot, VICE and Buzzfeed all have articles on the issue. Trump was asked about it yesterday by Bloomberg. Mark Potok of the SPLC is in Huffington Post saying Trump may secretly be a White supremacist himself.

Buzzfeed putting as their lead photo a picture of some group of people dressed up like Nazis waving swastika flags shows the level of dishonesty we are dealing with here.
Why not use pictures of the actual people the article is about?
None of them look like that.

Also, Buzzfeed Jews accused me of accusing them as being a part of a Jewish conspiracy, which is unfactual. I simply said that they are part of the Jewish activist media, which is just a statement of fact: they are Jews who use their media to promote Jewish interests.
They asked me what my views on Trump were, what I meant by “Jew activism” and whether I view Trump as an opponent of the Jews.
Here is the full statement I gave Buzzfeed (most of which they did indeed print):
Although it is a bit ridiculous for me to explain what I mean by “Jew activism” to a Buzzfeed reporter, what I refer to is the Jewish-controlled media outlets and political groups which act in concert to push what can only be, in objective terms, viewed as a collective ethnic agenda.
Trump has framed himself, for decades, as a proponent of the Jewish people. His daughter married one and converted. This obviously makes a lot of people in my circles uncomfortable, as the mass immigration problem was invented by Jews when Jewish groups lobbied successfully to have our immigration laws changed in 1965. Although Ted Kennedy gets blamed for it by cuckservatives, the bill was written by Jew Norbert Schlei.
The question of interest, presently, is “are the Jewish people an opponent of Trump?” And the Evan Osnos New Yorker piece appears to signal the beginning of aggressive Jewish ethnic activism against him. Aside from lobbying for unlimited money and weapons to be sent to Israel forever, lobbying for unlimited mass non-White immigration has for decades been at the core of Jewish political activism. All of these Jewish groups are entirely obsessed with flooding America with brown people.
As such, I don’t think Trump’s repeatedly stated support for Israel is going to mean much to these aggressive ethnic activists, and they will instead throw their massive political and media clout behind trying to thwart him.
The technique of associating his campaign with “neo-Nazi White supremacy,” as well as, obviously, implying that anyone supporting him is generally stupid, evil and racist, it seems will be at the core of the narrative.
The implicit statement underlying all of this is that because “White supremacists” support Donald Trump, all of his supporters are evil.
We could down to the “New Hitler” meme. Because I guarantee, that’s what’s next.
This is obviously going to blow up in their faces.