Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 11, 2015

Lindsey Graham, believed by many to be an anus-obsessed homo pervert, has said that in order to gain the trust and votes of bean-picking Mexicans, the Republicans need to offer amnesty, now referred to as “a path to citizenship” to the millions of illegals in our base, the Washington Times reports.
The soft faggot Graham is believed to be a potential contender in the upcoming fake Presidential election. He said, point blank: “If I were president of the United States, I would veto any bill that did not have a pathway to citizenship.”
The sick weirdo added that he believes immigration is “a key issue” which will determine the outcome of the 2016 election.
Well, you got that right you filthy gay bastard – the Republicans are determining the outcome of the election by refusing to run an anti-immigration candidate. If they were willing to run one such candidate, they would easily beat Hillary, because people would actually bother to go out and vote.
But Republicans are simply throwing the fight.
This idea that Mexicans will vote Republican if Republicans legalize millions of them is completely nonsensical. Mexicans are welfare dependants, and they will vote for whomever is going to give them the most free everything, which will always be the Democrats. So even if Republicans adopt a pro-immigration stance as aggressive as the Democrats (which they couldn’t ever really do, and even if they did people would still remember they didn’t always have that position), the Mexicans still aren’t going to vote for them.
Seriously though, how broken is our political system when a politician comes out and openly says “well, I know people don’t like it but these foreign people are holding us for ransom and the only way I can get elected is by giving them everything they want”?
Methinks that when a politician comes out and says something like that, it is time to start rethinking your political system.
But the bottom line is, Graham is lying. This may be the last time it will be possible, but it is still possible for the Republicans to run a populist anti-immigration candidate, to rally the people and secure a victory.
But they don’t care, because they have Sheldon Adelson Jew money which they are getting whether they win or lose.