Lithuania: Syrians Flee Brutal Welfare Shortage, Heading Back to Germany

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 11, 2016

beach boy omg so sad

These innocent victims have had to flee the brutal civil war in Syria – where they were being randomly barrel-bombed by Assad for no reason – which was the direct result of White people doing the Crusades, and yet Lithuania doesn’t see fit to give them the level of free everything they require.

It is truly unimaginable that in current year, Whites are so filled with hatred for the color of the skin that they will openly refuse to give Syrian refugees mansions and race cars.


Lithuanian officials say 35 Syrian refugees, relocated in the Baltic nation under a European Union plan to distribute 160,000 refugees across the bloc, have left in search of a better life elsewhere in Europe.

Robertas Mikulenas, head of Rukla refugee reception center in Lithuania, says a group of 16 adults and 19 children left Monday, likely for Germany.

Mikulenas said Friday they are “free to leave,” adding they could lose benefits in Lithuania if they do not come back within a month.

Syrian Mohammed Ali Abdula earlier told the LNK channel they thought Lithuania was “like Germany and Sweden” but after discovering that wasn’t the case, “it became obvious we do not want to stay.”

Abdula cited “the size of relief and integration process” for his family’s departure.

These victims have asked for only one thing: infinity free everything. And White people all have infinity money, because they made so much when they robbed the Arabs during the Crusades, and also from slavery and pulling out the gold teeth of Jews before they gassed them in fake shower rooms and turned them into lampshades.

And yet, they can’t find it in themselves to give to these victims.