Little Lindsey: GOP has Gone “Batshit Crazy”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2016


Little Lindsey Graham, a gay Republican from South Carolina, has thrown his manicured hands in the air, incapable of grasping why Republicans would support a candidate who represents their interests.

They must have lost their minds!

Washington Times:

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said at a press dinner Thursday evening that the Republican party has gone “bat–- crazy” as he was roasting his former 2016 rivals.

He said former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is about to become president.

“How could that be? My party has gone bat–- crazy,” said Mr. Graham, a former 2016 GOP presidential candidate.

“I was asked the hardest question in my political life: Do you agree with Donald Trump that Ted Cruz is the biggest liar in politics?” he said. “Too close to call.”

The fact is, these people do seem to be genuinely confused. I think they really can’t grasp why it is that White people would do something other than what they want them to do.


Jeb Bush’s whining, entitled attitude really demonstrated this. He just couldn’t tolerate that the show had gone off-script.

On the other side, the people themselves must be genuinely confused at the way the GOP establishment is lashing out against The Donald. Ostensibly, their positions are basically the same as Trump’s, save for a couple issues about trade and foreign policy.

Everyone knows Trump can beat Hillary easily. And yet the establishment is openly trying to fight the people, to replace him with someone who will easily lose to Clinton.

The way he’s been attacked has been a real wake-up call for a lot of people.