Live and Let Live

Jez Turner
Western Spring
August 3, 2014


First, they came for the Fascists and I did not speak up because I wasn’t a Fascist. Then they came for the Nazis, the neo-Fascists, the neo-Nazis and I did not speak up because I wasn’t any of those either. What did I say? “Live and let live”,  and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for the anti-Communists and I did not speak up, because I did not consider that Communism or Communists were a threat. “Live and let live”, I said, I and got on with my life. What did I say? “Live and let live”,  and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for the anti-Semites, the anti-Zionists, those who said the Jews had too much power, those opposed to Israel, and those who when referring to the Jews did not do so in sufficiently glowing terms. They came for those who were suspicious of the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, Common Purpose, and the freemasons. I did not speak up because I did not understand what all the fuss was about and was too busy living my life to take much interest. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for the racists and racialists, and I did not speak up, because I did not consider myself a racist. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for the White supremacists, the White separatists, the nationalists, the identitarians and the patriots and I did not speak out, because I was too busy living my life. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for the scientists, the geneticists, the sociobiologists who said that races were different, that men and women were different and I did not speak out, because I was not a scientist. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for the sexists and homophobes, transvestitophobes and transgenderophobes, LBGT’ophobes and those who tried to expose paedophile networks among senior politicians and I did not speak up, because I did not consider myself a sexist or a homophobe and I didn’t know what the other labels meant and assumed the politicians must have everything in hand. Then the politicians passed a law reducing the age of consent to 12 years old, so they could legally and lawfully bugger little boys and the Press said it was a wonderful day for equality. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.


Then they came for the Traditionalists, the anti-abortionists, those who smacked their children if they misbehaved, those who did not give their children sweets or restricted their television viewing if they misbehaved – as they labelled it emotional abuse. They came for those who were against permissiveness and those whose religious beliefs hadn’t moved with the times. They came for those who thought that marriage should be between a man and a woman and they came for those who thought that children should only be adopted by married couples . They came for those who objected to sex changes, breast enlargements and botox injections being funded by the taxpayer and I did not speak up, because I was too busy living my life to take much notice. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for those who were opposed to the Brussels bureaucrats and the Strasbourg fat cats, and the United States of Europe, and although I was concerned, I did not speak up, because I was far too busy living my life. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for the extremists, the haters, the scaremongerers, and those the authorities assured us were considering thinking about thinking about plotting violence, and I did not speak up, because I didn’t like violence, and as for extremists, well society and things were changing so quickly I didn’t know what an extremist was anymore and anyway I was sure that I wasn’t an extremist. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for those who home schooled their children and for those who said the national curriculum and the education system was nothing but an exercise in brainwashing. They came for those who refused to let their children be subject to a mass of new inoculations and I did not speak up, because I was too busy living my life to pay much attention. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for those who opposed modern art, modern architecture and preferred classical music or folk music to rap music. They came for those who opposed the uglification of our cities, our towns and our villages. They came for those who opposed the concreting over and destruction of our countryside to build new towns for immigrants. They came for those who were opposed to fracking and they even came for the blasted Morris dancers! And I did not speak up, because I was too busy living my life. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for those who opposed the usurers, money lenders, the shylocks, the pay-day loaners, the loan sharks, the financial scamsters and the banksters and I did not speak up as I’m sure the politicians knew what was best and anyway I had lots of money in the bank and I didn’t want to rock the boat or the banks, and I was too busy living my life. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.


Then they banned the flying of the union flag or the St George’s cross and they banned them in the interests of community harmony, and I was surprised, but did not speak up when they came for those who still flew them, as I was sure our government knew what they were doing, and anyway, only nasty groups flew such flags and I was too busy living my life. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for those little old ladies who wore a cross or a crucifix on their necklace. They came for them, because such a symbols were offensive and only nasty people would wear such an offensive symbol. Then they came for the priests, the nuns, the monks, the clergy and the children who went to Sunday school, and they even came for the followers of Pastor Niemuller and indeed any other people who dared call themselves Christians and I was shocked, but did not speak up as such a measure was necessary for community harmony. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for those who were opposed to foreign wars, opposed to our boys being sent abroad to fight and die in wars that America, Israel and the Zionists wanted us to fight. Wars our nation had no conceivable reason for getting involved in, and I did not speak up, because I had no sons in the Army and I was sure the politicians knew what they were doing, and anyway I was too busy living my life. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for those who were opposed to inter-racial marriage and miscegenation. They came for those who were opposed to mass immigration. They came for those who said that it would be a bad thing if whites became a minority in Britain. They came for white girls who refused to go out on a date with a black or Asian man when asked. They came for those who refused to hire an aids ridden, homosexual, heroin addict as a babysitter for their children. They came for those who said that if Doreen Lawrence was made a peer of the Realm and given a seat in the House of Lords, because her black son was supposedly stabbed to death by whites in a racist attack in South London, then why hasn’t Mrs Gregory who lives in the same area and has had TWO white sons stabbed to death by blacks in racist attacks ALSO been made a peer of the House of Lords? And I did not speak out, because I was afraid. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for those who were politically incorrect, and those who published, sold or read the wrong sort of books or browsed politically incorrect websites and I did not speak out, because I was not sure whether speaking out was in itself politically incorrect, and anyway I was too busy living my life to read books. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then the government legalised all drugs, because they said it was too difficult to police and enforce anti-drug laws, when they had so much more important things to do such as enforcing political correctness. Anyway the government said that legalising drugs would make our cities more vibrant and more cosmopolitan. So then they came for those who were against the legalisation of all drugs and although I thought the government was foolish to legalise all drugs, I was too busy living my life to give the matter much thought. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for those who did not own a television and I did not speak out, because I was afraid. I’d thrown my TV away and so I went out and bought a new one, but I never turned it on. Then they came for those who did not have a big enough TV and I went out a bought a bigger one. Then they came for those who did not watch enough television, so I turned it on 24/7, but kept the sound down. Then they came for those who said such laws were Orwellian and I was very afraid. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for those who proclaimed inconvenient truths, or who said we were living under a liberal tyranny, or who declared that if current trends and policies continued the White race would be very soon be extinct and I did not speak out because speaking out was now illegal. “Live and let live”, said I. What did I say? “Live and let live”, and I got on with living my life.

Then they came for me. They came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

I asked those who came for me why they came for me and they said it was because … I …was… White.

But “Live and let live!” said I, and they just smiled and they told me that “Live and let live” was just a slogan to lure the masses to sleep and that the penalty for being White was … death.


The Awakening: reality is a painful teacher …

Then I realised the horrible reality of it all, my eyes finally opened to the truth.

Then I realised that I hadn’t been living my life at all, not really. I realised that I’d been living the life that the authorities WANTED me to live. I realised that all I’d been doing was slaving away to earn money to buy things I didn’t need and to pay steadily increasing taxes to tyrannical governments who would use the money to actively destroy everything that made life worthwhile including our race, our culture, our communities, our families and our nation.

I knew that a government should care for and look after the people it is governing. I realised that our successive governments have been doing and continue to do, everything they can do to exterminate the people they govern and replace them with foreigners! That is government by a governing elite that hates the people it governs. That such a government could only be controlled by an alien tribe of people that regarded the White Race as its hereditary enemy. I realised that whoever acquiesced in being ‘governed’ by such a government was either fast asleep, a coward or a traitor and those guilty of cowardice or treachery deserve only one fate.

I realised that what I had called ‘living my life’ wasn’t any sort of life at all, but merely the day to day desensitized grind of a brainwashed robot

I realised that all the policies of the current regime were designed to destroy my race. That a race without its own culture would not remain a race for very long. That a race without its own nation and control over its own nation and that nation’s borders would not remain a race for very long. That a race that did not honour its true heroes would soon stop having children, that a race whose children who were taught to hate the race to which they belonged and who were encouraged to interbreed with other races, or encouraged to not have children but to have a career, would very soon become extinct. That a race that had lost not only the will to power, but the will to life, the will to live and the will to survive was a race whose days were numbered.

So I made a vow there and then, a vow that ‘they’ would not win.

Fighting back …

I escaped from them and went underground and discovered thousands like me in the resistance and joined the resistance groups and fought for the survival of White culture and the White race.

I fought for the freedom for my people to speak our minds; for the freedom to listen to all points of view; for the freedom to seek the truth.

I fought for our people to be free from harmful ideologies, alien ideologies and alien cultures, to be free from debt and interest slavery, to be free from crime and the fear of the knock at the door in the middle of the night, to be free from this alien liberal totalitarian tyranny that persecutes anyone who possesses a last vestige of common sense.

I fought for our people to be free to pursue our own culture, our own music, our own architecture our own art, free to pursue our own destiny. I fought for the right of our people to live among our own kind. I fought for our people to be what God intended us to be – white men and women in a white society at ease with itself and living in harmony with all the laws of God and Nature.

I fought for the freedom for our own people to pursue our own destiny as a people, and for the freedom to be ourselves.

We fought, and after much bloodshed, suffering and struggle, we won and we recovered our freedom.


Then, after the victory, it was time to deal with all those who needed to be dealt with.

When someone betrays his family or his community or his nation – he is a traitor.

When someone betrays his race – he is a liberal.

There are enemies, there are traitors and there are liberals.

Well, there are trees and we have rope.

We lined up all the traitors and liberals ready to be dealt with in the way that all traitors have always been dealt with.

The liberals and traitors, on their tip toes balancing upon rickety stools, nooses around their necks, pleading for their lives before us.

Then, before we kicked away the stools and sent them swinging on their way down to Hell, we asked them “Why on earth should we not execute you as the new law and as natural law demands? Why should we spare your miserable, worthless lives?”

What do you think they replied?

“Live and let live”.

And how did we reply?

The answer my readers is up to you.

