LOL: 12 Million Turks Say They’re Headed for London When the Deal is Signed!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 23, 2016


We commin fo yo welfares an yo wimmins, Whitey.

Last night, I was telling someone I estimate that a minimum of 20-30% of the population of Turkey will head for Europe when the EU deal is signed. It could be as high as 50%. After communism fell, 50-60% of the population of Albania left their home country and went to various European countries, so this is not at all unprecedented – but there’s a big difference between Albania, a country that had 3-4 million people, and Turkey, which has 70-80 million people.

You can say the Express is a tabloid or whatever, but this poll sounds about right: 12 million heading for the UK. And I would imagine an equal or higher number would be headed for Germany, where they already have large, established colonies.

Daily Express:

More than 12 million Turkish citizens are planning to move to Britain when the country joins the European Union, an explosive poll for has revealed.

In the most extensive survey of its kind, almost 16 per cent of Turkish adults said they would consider re-locating to the UK once their country becomes a full member of the EU.

According to the poll, which saw more than 2,600 adults interviewed across all 27 provinces of Turkey, most of those keen to come to Britain are either unemployed or students, raising the prospect of a migrant influx which would place an unprecedented strain on the UK’s struggling public services, including the NHS.

The results come as separate figures expose the security risk posed to the UK by Turkey’s accession to the EU – an ambition previously supported by the Prime Minister.

Analysis by Vote Leave suggests Turkey’s membership in the EU would result in far higher numbers of criminals coming to the UK.

Figures released by the campaign group show the crime rate in Turkey far exceeds that of the UK, with the murder rate at least four times that of Britain.

And basically 100% of murder in the UK (aside from the random girlfriend-on-boyfriend murder and vise versa) is committed by foreigners already.

There are also nine million privately-owned firearms registered to its citizens.

Last night David Davis said Turkey’s plans to join the EU was the strongest argument for Brexit, as he warned it would unleash a new wave of migration that would push down wages and threaten the country’s security.

Responding to the poll, the former shadow home secretary said: “You cannot blame young people who want a better life in Britain, but it will overwhelm our public services; it will have an extraordinarily depressing effect on wages and as a result it will cause real pain and penalties for the poorest in Britain.

“It will be the least well off who will be competing for the same jobs; competing for the same public services.

“That is why the prospect of Turkey joining the EU is one of the strongest arguments for the UK to leave.”

On the security risk, Mr Davis added: “This is the problem that dare not speak its name.

“If you look at the population in British prisons there are a disproportionate number of people of non-British origin in there and the reason is entirely predictable; Britain is a lucrative target for criminals.

“As our economy does well to someone from a very poor society who already has a criminal background this is a natural target.

“These are really important issues which we need to take seriously; they are not issues of race or bigotry; they are issues of real self-interest for ordinary people.”

It actually is an issue of race, Mr. Davis. And it’s going to get called an issue of bigotry because it is an issue of race.

It would be so much simpler if you people could simply accept that.