LOL: American Negro Stabs-Up Immigrant Birthday Party

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2018

You can only push a nigga so far. Then dat nigga gon do sumpin.

Fun story is best story.

Here is fun story.

Chicago Tribune:

Several families who had fled danger and violence overseas were enjoying a 3-year-old’s birthday party in Boise, Idaho, when the unthinkable happened: A man ran up and began chasing and stabbing the children, turning his knife on the adults who tried to intervene.

The attack came Saturday night at a low-income apartment complex that is also home to refugee families from around the world. Nine people were injured, including the birthday girl and five other children ranging in age from 4 to 12.

The most gravely injured were clinging to life Sunday evening, Boise Police Chief William Bones said.

“The victims are some of the newest members of our community,” Bones said Sunday. “This was an attack against those who are most vulnerable.”

The chaos began shortly before 8:46 p.m. Saturday, when police received a report of a man with a knife. They arrived less than four minutes later to find victims lying in the street, in the parking lot and inside the complex. Thirty-year-old Timmy Kinner was found and arrested a short distance away; investigators later found a knife believed to be used in the attack in a nearby canal.

Members of refugee families from Syria, Iraq and Ethiopia were among the injured.

Kinner, who is not a refugee, had been asked to leave the apartment complex Friday after staying there for a short time with a resident, Bones said. Kinner faces several felony charges, including aggravated battery and injury to a child. Bones did not know Sunday if Kinner had an attorney.

We have no specific evidence at this time to believe it was a hate crime,” Bones told reporters at a press conference Sunday, saying the victims may have simply been targeted because of where they were located on the property. Still, Bones said, the motive remains under investigation.

Of course it was a “hate crime.”

White people are just about fed up with getting flooded with these third world animals, just seeing them at Wal-Mart.

What do you think is going on with the blacks – who are approximately 6 million times less “tolerant” than whites – who are forced to live in the same apartment complexes with them?

Esrom Habte, 12, and Fathi Mahamoud, 11, were playing in the grass behind their apartment when the attack began. They ran for safety when they saw the suspect chasing people.

“We saw a killer and didn’t want to get stabbed,” Esrom said. “We saw him saying, like, bad words and stabbing a kid and a grown-up really hard and a lot of times.”

The two ran into an apartment and hid in a closet with Esrom’s two sisters and another child, and stayed inside until police told them it was safe to come out.

The victims include members of three refugee families from Iraq, Ethiopia and Syria.

The attack resulted in the most victims in a single incident in Boise Police Department history, the chief said.

“The crime scene, the faces of the parents struggling, the tears coming down their faces, the faces of the children in their hospital beds will be something that I carry with me for the rest of my life, as will every first responder that night,” he said.

Residents of the apartments and the rest of the community were “reeling” from the violence, Bones said, and the victims will need long-term community support.

“This isn’t something that gets over in the days or weeks that follow. … The level of the some of the injuries will be life-altering in a very negative way,” Bones said.

Mayor Dave Bieter condemned the stabbings.

“Last night’s horrific attack does not represent Boise,” Bieter wrote. “Please join me in praying for the injured and their families. We must come together to condemn this vile act.”

Well, I’m sure as hell not condemning it.

I don’t support or encourage violence and blah blah blah.

But what do you think is going to happen when you forcibly integrate populations with exactly zero commonalities?

Especially when you take extremely violent populations and force integrate them with the American black, which is the most violent population on earth?

Why would you do that?

What is the purpose of it?

As I’ve Said

I’ve said it many a time that before Obama – and obviously even more so before the MLK “civil rights” revolution – we and the blacks had reached an understanding. After the 60s attempts at forced integration, blacks and whites made a mutual decision to resegregate. And though it was violated, a truce of sorts existed.

Then Obama incited the blacks to race war, while at the same time flooding the country with all of these other people from everywhere, then forcibly integrating them all together.

This party is just getting started.

There is virtually zero chance that the Moslems attacked by this American black will not stage a retaliation on the local American black population. And these situations are just going to keep happening, more and more, until every city in America is a warzone.

Any single individual could have predicted this, if they had so chosen.