LOL: Anarchists Attack Cops at Austria-Italy Border, Demand Moslems Let In

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 7, 2016

It could be that I am perhaps missing something here.

But it seems very strange that activists are attacking cops and demanding unlimited numbers of Moslems be allowed in the country.

Because, like, why do they want these Moslems in the country?

It’s a really weird thing to be demanding.


Hundreds of anarchists and black bloc activists have spurred unrest at the Austrian-Italian border storming the train station, throwing stones, flares and smoke bombs at riot police, who used batons and tear gas against protesters.

The demonstration on Saturday at the Brenner mountain pass between Italy and Austria came in response to the enforcement of stricter border control measures to tackle the influx of refugees.

About 500 activists gathered in front of the main entrance to the train station, holding banners that read “Close the door to fascism,” “Time to launch social revolution,” “Borders down,” “Destroy barriers” and others.

At least 4 officers and several protesters were injured in the unrest, according to La Repubblica.

Hundreds of members from the so-called anarchist black bloc who came to Brenner from other Italian regions as well as from Germany, Italy and Spain to take part in the demonstration are supposedly those responsible for the clashes with riot police, Italy’s Ansa news agency says.

What is the reason you would want Moslems in your country?

Do they just think it is a lol?

Obviously, no one has any connection with these people, so they could only desire them because of some sociological consequence.

Maybe they like to see women getting raped?