Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 24, 2014

As we have often pointed out here on the Daily Stormer, Islam is a religion explicitly designed to appeal to the lower races. In fact, from my observation, it is often very beneficial to their social order, and raises them to a level of behavior that they would not otherwise have achieved. Though admittedly, that isn’t saying much.
I know little about the aborigine people of Australia, save that they are thought to be some of the most absolutely primitive beings on the planet. Given this, it is unsurprising that missionaries failed to make Christianity stick, but that they are now converting to Islam.
Australia is now employing their spy agency to deal with “radicalization” of these primitives by Muslims they meet in prison. They fear the abos may be born for extremism.
Sheikhs and imams are being brought into prisons to deliver de-radicalisation messages during Friday prayers, but two prominent Sydney sheikhs have told a high-level forum that chaplaincy services are grossly under-funded and prison converts are misinterpreting the religion.
A small but high-risk group of radicals are causing concern to Corrective Services NSW and it is believed recruitment to Islam is active, particularly among Aboriginal inmates.
Sheikh Omar Habbouche, who has worked with inmates and prison chaplains, says faith is a powerful tool in the reformation of prisoners but the lack of Muslim chaplaincy services in NSW means prison converts are misinterpreting Islam.
There are just two Muslim chaplains spread across 10 of the state’s prisons.
Sheikh Omar told a Corrective Services-sponsored forum at Sydney University’s Law School last month that Islam was primarily taught face-to-face and knowledge needed to be properly explained.
He cited the case of one of British soldier Lee Rigby’s killers, who wildly misinterpreted a line from the Koran – “kill the unbelievers wherever you see them” – to justify the stabbing on a London street.
You gotta love how deeply the liberals have sunk in their spin. They “wildly misinterpreted” the verse “kill unbelievers whenever you see them” by killing an unbeliever when they saw him. I am not sure if the author of this article is having a laugh or not. You just can’t tell any more. Though this is the present position of the Western establishment – Islam is a religion of peace, even though the entire religion is about war.
Anyway, continuing.
“There isn’t enough capacity to address the needs and the requirements of the Muslim inmates,” Sheikh Omar said. “When there are insufficient chaplaincy services appointed, we find that people then rely on other means to get their Islamic education … Yes, you may be able to police the information they have, the books they receive but you can’t police the understanding they take from that or the application.”
About 9 per cent of inmates in NSW are Muslim, even though only 3 per cent of the general population identifies as Islamic.
Sheikh Omar said many had a poor understanding of Islam. “Dare I say, if they knew their religion … they wouldn’t be in prison in the first place so they need that face-to-face instruction.”
Some imams and sheikhs struggled to communicate effectively with inmates. Senior management began consulting with the Muslim community in western Sydney a year ago and sharing information and contacts with intelligence authorities.
Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman, secretary of the Australian National Imams Council, told the forum many prison imams were avoiding hot topics such as jihad, Syria and Iraq for fear of being labelled jihadi supporters.
“These are topics our youth want to hear,” he said. “If I’m not going to address it in the proper form, then they will go listen to someone else.”
Australian National University researcher Clarke Jones, who is writing a book on prison radicalisation, said extremist conversions were rare because terrorism inmates tended to be at the bottom of the prison pecking order in Australia.
He cited the recent case of Sydney man Khaled Sharrouf, who posted images of himself fighting in Iraq and standing over slaughtered bodies, as an unusual case of an inmate committing acts of jihad upon release.
Sharrouf served four years for his role in the Pendennis terror plot and recently said on Twitter he received weekly lessons from al-Qaeda leader Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi via the jail phone, a claim that had not been verified.
Don’t know what else they can really do other than call Islam a religion of peace and say all their constant warring is a fluke of some type. If they told the truth, they wouldn’t have any justification for bringing millions of these people into our countries.
The abos converting to Islam is much the same as what happens with American blacks in prison. We now have blacks who learned Islam while incarcerated engaging in “radicalism” in the US. Surely, this same thing will soon take place in Australia.
It would have made a lot of sense to just not bring all of these people into our countries in the first place, especially since while creating violence and chaos, they offer absolutely nothing beneficial. But again, that would be racism. And racism is the most evil thing ever in history for some reason.